If I thought this position couldn't get any more awkward, I looked up once more to find my teacher pointing to me, and Eric walking towards me.

I tried to say calm and kept looking down, flipping my journal open to a clean page, with wary thoughts.

"Um." He said awkwardly. He shifted the weight of his backpack on one shoulder. One shouldered back packs are soooo overrated.

"Um what?"

Sure he was cute. But he was a dick.

"Are you Brinley?"

"Yeaaa." I said slowly.

"Mr. Spain, wanted you to be my partner."

"Correction: You're my partner. And you're sitting by the window." I picked my bag off of the chair and plopped it in the ground to my other side.

Eric awkwardly wiggled around my chair and sat next to me in his chair. He opened up his backpack flustered, looking around the room to see what we were doing.

"Sorry." I mumbled looking away acting busy. "We're on chapter 9 in our biology textbooks, and get out a clean sheet of paper."

I lifted the camera off my neck and placed it softly on the big table.

"Ok I want everyone to take out the microscopes and disks." Mr Spain said before turning around to take attendance.

"Get the microscope please." I asked my new partner.

"Where is it?" He asked.

"In the wall." I pointed next to him. Underneath the window next to us was a small Square door on the wall.

"How do I open it?" Eric asked.

"Twist left then right." I instructed.

Eric fumbled around with it, not being able to turn it just right.

I sat there for a couple seconds.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

"Left, then right." I instructed placing my head in my hands, moving my hands in the air to show him.

I finally just leaned over him, and opened it myself.

The door swung open.

"Got it." Eric said, smiling at me cheekily.

I swallowed impatiently and waited for him to catch on.

"What?" He asked.

"Can you grab the microscope? Or do I need to do that too?"

He put his hands up in surrender. "I got this. No need to be hostile."

He pulled the microscope out onto the table.

"The slides are still in there." I said pointing to the previous problem.

He reached in and pulled out the slides.

"What do we do?" He asked.

"Remind me again why you're in pre-ap biology?" I asked in the most polite tone I could.

Eric kinda looked at me in a whats-your-problem way and I loosened up a bit to my distaste.

Rolling my shoulders back, I leaned forward to the Microscope.

Eric outstretched his hand. "My name is Eric Hamilton."

I pulled away from the Microscope, caught off gaurd.

Which was very rare for someone to do to me.

I didn't shake his hand. But I replied, "My name is Brinley Palmer." I looked away, "Do you have a Journal?" I asked, "Possibly a piece of paper?"

"Yeah." He pulled out a notebook.

I felt a vibration in my lap where my phone was placed.

Lane: Just how lucky are you?

Me: Not very if you actually met this dude.

"Okay flip open to a new page." I instructed once more. "Now number 1 to 5 skipping lines."

Once he was done. I continued.

"Now, we're going to identify the slides."

Lane: Cut some slack for the newbie.

I wedged my phone back in-between my legs.

Eric nodded his head. "Easy." He paused for a moment. "Lady's first?"

I grabbed the microscope from him and slipped a slide in adjusting the coarse knob on 10x. After a moment of determining just what I was looking at I decided, "Prophase." And turned to write it down.

"Mind if I look?" He asked.

I watched Eric bow his head down to the lense.

His brow creased when he concentrates. "Prophase." He agreed writing it down.

Eric then slipped in the second slide. "Anaphase."

"Mind if I look?" I asked mimicking his tone.

Eric chuckled and passed the microscope to me, and for a moment, I actually believed he wasn't like the other kids here.

I took one look. Damn. He was right.

He passed me slide three and I looked. "Interphase."

He didn't look to see if I was wrong.

Then Mr. Spain spoke.

"Look up at the board to see if you got the same answers.

"Good job, partner." Eric said exaggerating the partner part.

He then, in one swift motion grabbed his book and walked out of class right as the bell rang.


Hey Guy's, first chapter! Can I have some comments below on how it was? Cause this was just a portion and if people don't like it, I'll probably just end up taking it down. My work has to be perfect! Vote, Comment, and Fan if you already haven't! <3 Picture on the side is Theo James as Eric!!!

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