testing your memory

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i'm in a room. there are couches everywhere. on the walls are colorful inspirational quotes. the room is very colorful and happy looking. there are bright colors everywhere. the room makes me think of what the inside of a child's mind looks like.

i'm sitting on a soft brown couch. the couch is huge and in front of it sets a tv. there's also a table with a box of dvds inside of it. there's remotes on the table to access the tv. in front of the couch i'm sitting on there's a door. the door is locked and needs a code to get into.

i can hear loud walking and through the door steps a woman. she has a friendly smile on her face. the woman is bigger, around 40 years old, and has brown hair. i will refer to her as the loud footed woman.

the loud footed woman leads me into the locked room. there's a giant hallway with curtains on one side and pictures on the other. behind the curtains i can faintly see various storage areas. i can see past the hallway that there are various rooms.

the woman leads me into a room in the corner that is also locked. she opens the door and leads me inside. inside the room sits two couches and a giant paper that is used for notes. the couches face each other in this very small room. in the right corner of the room there is a camera that faces the chairs. the loud foot woman claims that the camera is used to observe what goes on inside the room. she tells me not to worry or be afraid.

i am told to take a seat in the chair with a pillow. i do as i'm told and examine the room some more.

the woman smiles at me and tells me to be comfortable. she then tells me that she wants to spend a little time getting to know me. the woman asks me questions about myself. she comments about my school and what i like to do in my free time. the woman makes me tell her about a day i spent with family. she makes me recall vivid memories from that day. she wants to know every detail. i find this strange but comply with her wishes. i tell her all about this one sunday. she nods her head and smiles.

the woman then asks me about why i'm here. to my surprise i start crying. i'm suddenly at a loss for words. i choke up and laugh nervously.

"are you laughing because you're nervous?" she asks. i respond and say yes.

"have you ever spoken about this to someone before?"

i shake my head no as i continue to cry.

the loud footed woman hands me a box of tissues and reassured me that it's okay. she quickly changes the subject and starts asking me more questions that don't involve why i came there.

we talk for what seems like forever and before i realize it i'm talking in great detail about that horrible event that happened. somehow the woman has gotten me to relieve all of the memories i've suppressed. she helps me recall them. i cry as i speak but i still talk vividly about what happened.

it is finally later and she tells me i may go now.

we walk down the hallway and back into the brightly colored room. she asks me to sit on the couch and wait for her to return.

the loud footed woman returns with another woman: we'll call her the snack woman; the snack woman is named this because she keeps insisting i eat something and at one point even leaves to grab snacks for me.

the snack woman tells me that she wants to help me see a professional. she wants me to have someone to talk to about my troubles. she hands me her card with her name on it and a pamphlet with more information.

both of the ladies dismiss me and i now go home.

i drive home with the man who brought me here, the man with glasses. while we drive he asks me more about the event but doesn't go into too much detail.

we return home and i feel much better. i feel a relief and a weight has been lifted off my chest. i am sad still, but relieved. i finally can find peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2018 ⏰

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