Chapter1:Sandra Andrews

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Sandra:I seriously need a carmel latte

Quinn:On it!

Quinn one of her minions went to get her a latte from Starbucks

Sandra:I need something to wear becaause I always have to look fashionably and you  guys know that!

Wendy:I got the perfect outfit for you

She took the clothes out of the shopping bag and the same with the shoes

Sandra:OMG!! I love it!

Wendy:Well go try it on

10 minutes later

10 minutes later

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Her's outfit^

Sandra:Wendy girl you are offically my favorite

Quinn:B-But I thought I was your favorite

Sandra look at her with disgust and rolled her eyes

Sandra:You were until last week you dumped a green smoothie on my shoes that were brand new

Quinn:It was a accident

Sandra:Yeah right 

Quinn sighed

Sandra:Mandy start the car


Sandra:Now bitches let's go

To be continued............

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