Chapter XV

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Darkness is all Ronny could see. However, in the distance, Ronny saw a light. He somehow began to walk towards it and as he got closer, he could see the light was coming from behind a door. Ronny opened the door as he entered into a home. It looked unfamiliar, however, Ronny felt as though he had been here before. Ronny was in the kitchen as he looked around to see a turkey in an oven. He saw cornbread had been freshly made as well. Ronny was confused as he walked closer to the food. As he was about to grab some, he heard someone say, "Hey! Don't touch that. You don't get to taste test. You gotta wait just like the rest of us". Ronny turned around to see Sarah. She smiled at Ronny as she said, "Now go outside and sit down. I'll be bringing the food out". Ronny looked at Sarah as he saw that she looked older as she had formed smile wrinkles and had a few grey hairs. However, Ronny did as he was told as he walked outside to the backyard.

In the yard were several small, round tables with chairs around them. The sky was bright and clear as Ronny could feel the warmth on his skin. Ronny could see Gavin and Kyle having a pushup competition as Xavier and Nick watched. With Gavin being shirtless, Ronny could see the scars left behind by Zack. Once Xavier saw Ronny, he walked to him. Xavier looked different as well. He looked older as well as clean. Xavier shook Ronny's hand as he said, "I'm so glad you made it, I know you had a lot going on". Ronny was still confused but tried to play along as he said, "I always make time for you guys". Xavier said, "Too bad we don't have as much time as Albee and Timothy have. They're always getting into trouble". Suddenly, a small child ran and grabbed Xavier's leg as he said, "How much longer? I'm starving". Xavier smiled as he said, "Not much longer. Mom's just gotta bring it out here. Go sit down with Albee". The child then ran off to sit at a table where another child sat. The other child had dark, brown hair and blue eyes just as Grace had. This was Ronny's child. As everyone made their way to their seats, Thomas, Frank, and Grace walked out of the home to sit down. However, Grace noticed Ronny as she said, "Hey honey, where have you been". Ronny was overwhelmed with emotion as he hugged her. Grace was startled and confused as she said, "Ronny, why all of this"? Finally, Ronny let go as the two sat by Albee and Timothy. However, before Ronny could speak, Sarah walked out of the house with a cart full of food. As everyone stood up to get some, Grace got up.

Albee looked to Ronny as he said, "Dad, aren't you hungry"? Dad, it wasn't a label Ronny had before, however, he liked it as he said, "Nah. I had a big breakfast. You go get something". Ronny couldn't believe this. He saw everyone. They were all smiling and laughing as if the end of the world had never happened. As everyone got their food, they sat down and socialized. Once the last person received a meal, Xavier said, "May I please have everyone's attention"? As everyone quieted down, Xavier said, "These past few years have been rough, not just on me, but on everyone. We went through a lot together and it's made us stronger. Everyone around you who you see, that's your family. Regardless of who we were before, we all proved that we were meant to sit here today". As Ronny looked around, he saw everyone he ever cared about sitting around him. Ronny questioned his reality and wondered if the events that had taken place had actually happened. Xavier continued, "We really had trying times with the bikers and the Mount Vernon War, but mostly when a couple of knuckleheads came about". Xavier looked to Timothy and Albee. Everyone began to laugh as the two smiled proudly. As soon as the laughter died down, Xavier said, "But through it all, we all still sit here drinking wine and having the best damn turkey in the world". Suddenly, Xavier raised a glass filled with wine as he said, "A toast - to us, the survivors". Everyone said 'cheers' as they began to eat. Ronny, however, continued to look around as he was unsure of where he was. "What's wrong, dear", Grace asked. Ronny ignored her as he stood up and walked around.

As he walked, he was stopped by Frank. Frank said, "Ronny, I never had the chance to say thank you for saving me. We both know if you weren't at that coal plant, I would've probably been dead right now". Ronny said, "C'mon Frank, a guy like you could never die". Frank gave a hearty laugh as he said, "We'll see". As Ronny continued walking, he was stopped by Kyle. Kyle said, "I'm not sure if I told you, but I didn't talk after Omar kidnapped me because I was too afraid that they would kill us both. But I'm thankful that you found me because I'm pretty sure they were killing people to eat them". This was a bombshell for Ronny as he said, "I'm glad he's dead". Ronny turned around to see the Frank was missing. Confused he looked back to Kyle as he said, "Where'd Frank go". However, as he looked to Kyle, he was gone as well. Ronny walked over to Gavin as he said, "Gavin, where did Kyle and Frank go"? Gavin said, "What are you talking about Ronny? They've been dead years now". Ronny said, "No, I just spoke to them. They were just here" However, as Ronny looked back to where they were sitting, he saw that their food and even the chairs they sat in were gone. Ronny turned around to see what Gavin was going to say next, however, he was gone as well. Ronny began to freak out as Grace walked up to him. She put her hands on his shoulder as she said, "Ronny, what's wrong? Are you ok"? Ronny said, "This doesn't make sense. Everyone who I care about is dead". "Who are you talking about", Grace asked. Ronny said, "Gavin and Frank and ... Kyle". "Who? Who are they", Grace asked. Ronny said, "After you went into the vault, I was saved by a group and they --". Ronny was interrupted by Grace as she said, "Ronny, I was never in a vault. What are you talking about"? Ronny was scared and confused as he said, "What? But the TV broadcast told us to go to a vault and I couldn't enter. You don't remember that"? Grace looked at Ronny, trying to remember. Then suddenly she sighed.

"Did you crash a car after that"? "Yes", Ronny said excitedly, "Exactly". Grace let go of Ronny as she said, "I never went to a vault, Ronny. You refused to take your medication for weeks. You panicked and took the car. I got a call saying you crashed it and that they were gonna get you treatment". "What"? Ronny couldn't believe her. Suddenly, the scenery changed as the table morphed from being small and round to long and rectangular. The walls and floors were white as guards were stationed near the exits. Grace sat around from Ronny as Ronny saw he was wearing a white jumpsuit. Around him, Ronny saw insane people being visited. "No", Ronny said, "It's real. It really happened". As Ronny looked around, Grace disappeared. Ronny ran up to the closest guard as he said, "This is a lie. It really happened". The guard pushed Ronny off of him as he aimed his gun at him. The guard said, "I need someone to escort him back to his room". However, as another guard began to walk over, the door busted open as biters flooded in. They began to eat the insane people as Ronny hid behind the guards. Ronny was scared as he cowarded behind the guards. However, as the guards continued to shoot, the biters overwhelmed them and attacked him. Ronny began to panic until he heard Grace said, "Ronny, over here". Ronny turned around to see an open door to which he ran through. Once past the door, he saw nothing but darkness, however, there was a light in the distance. He slowly walked towards it as it grew brighter and brighter. Suddenly, Ronny woke up to see Xavier aiming a gun at him and Sarah checking his pulse. Ronny looked around to see he was in the outpost. Sarah hugged him as she said, "Thank god you're alive".

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