God, I was so naïve.

I felt his hands snake around my waist, towards the front as he started to undo the button of my blue denim jeans. Panic began to set in and I flinched away from his touch. "What are you doing?" My question was a little less demanding than I would've liked it to sound. I knew the answer to my own question but I didn't want to allow myself to believe it.

"Come on, baby, it's been 6 months. How much longer are you going to make me wait?" The alcohol tainting his breathe invaded my senses enough to make me want to vomit. I didn't have a chance to answer him before I felt his lips on mine with brutal force. Where all his previous kisses were soft and savored, this one felt different and it scared the hell out of me.

Gathering all the strength I could muster, I managed to push away from him- breaking the kiss that had surely bruised my lips by now. "No! Not like this! I'll see you tomorrow, when you're sober." I said with a tone of finality as I made my way to the door.

He had beaten me to it and locked it shut.

"What the hell are you doing?"  The fear in my shaky voice was evident. He didn't answer me so I walked closer to try and pry the door open on my own accord. I don't know what I was hoping to achieve when I jiggled the handle and it didn't give. "Open the damn door!" I yelled.

I don't know whether it was my denial of his request or my yelling but somewhere in between the two he was triggered. I didn't have a single moment to process anything before I found myself being held up against the door, with my trachea nearly cracking in his grip.

"I've been so fucking patient with you Kate," he seethed next to my ear. "So patient! But now I'm done with all your bullshit. I'm done waiting for you to be ready. I'm going to have you right here, right now, anyway I want to and you're not going to bitch about it. I'm your boyfriend for fuck sake!"

Black dotted the back of my eyes as he continued to cut off my oxygen supply with his death grip. Struggling for air, I scratched and clawed at his grip, hoping to break free. It was pointless to yell because I could practically feel my vocal cords getting bruised.

Somewhere between my clawing and hand flailing, I must've dug him in the eye or caused him enough pain to loosen his grip on my neck. He released me and cursed out loud as I fell to my knees gasping for air in front of him.

Before I could conjure up a plan in my head or figure out a way out of this predicament, a boot slammed into my abdomen, knocking the wind out of me. My wheezing and sputtering didn't do much to deter him from repeating the action three more times- eventually landing a blow straight to my face. "You stupid bitch!" He spat. 

This is what I get for turning down self defense classes.

I didn't know what I wanted more- to curl up into a ball and die right this instant or to laugh out loud at my stupidity for actually trusting a man. Whatever I was feeling was pushed to the back of my mind as something in me screamed at me to fight back. Maybe it was the sudden surge of adrenaline that coursed through my body or the white hot anger and feeling of betrayal that helped me drop him to floor with a kick to his shin. After an added punch smack dab in the middle of his face, I'm pretty sure I broke his nose, I gathered the strength to pick myself off the floor and headed for the door.

My heart dropped to my stomach when I noticed that the key wasn't where its supposed to be- on the rack next to the door.


I heard him laugh. He held a hand up to his nose as he fished the key out of his pocket, "looking for this?"

I could grab it from him, but that might just do more harm than good.

Looking around me for anything I could use as a weapon, I grabbed the nearest beer bottle on the kitchen counter and held it as if it were my lifeline. I cringed at the metallic taste of blood in my mouth and feel it dripping from my nose but I plastered on a brave face.

I felt anything but brave.

I broke the edge of the bottle on the counter as he stalked closer to me. He lunged  towards me without warning, giving me little time to react. We struggled with the sharp edge bottle, his strength overpowering me by a long shot, until I lost, giving him the opening her needed to slice me over my right shoulder with the jagged glass.

The blinding pain was almost paralyzing but so familiar, setting my skin on fire. Blood streamed down my arm and soaked my light pink blouse. He latched onto me tightly at both arms, his fingers digging into my open wound as he stared me down. "You're sorely mistaken if you think you're leaving here ," he threatened.

Tears impregnated with fear and pain rolled down my cheeks in a steady stream. I needed to do something before this escalated any further . One glance at the feral look in his eyes and I knew I didn't have long. I gathered up enough sanity, powering through the pain and raised a knee to his balls. A low blow and often a cowards way out but fuck that. The pain brough him to his knees and with one last punch to his face, I made a break for it.

I knew there was no way I was getting out of here without the key and I wasn't suicidal enough to try and fish it out of his pockets so I ran to his room and locked the door behind me. I pushed the one seater couch he had in the corner of his room up against the door for extra security, making sure that he had no way to get in.

The blood loss had me feeling a little dizzy and I prayed to god that I wouldn't pass out before I had a chance to get help. I leaned against the wall for support as I sank to the floor. The pounding on the other side began a minute later, startling me.

"You can stay in there for as long as you want babe. I have all the time in the world."

My heart rate escalated and a cry left my throat. I couldn't tell what he was capable of anymore. For all I know, he could kill me in this drunken rage. I needed to get the hell out of here.

With shaky hands I retrieved my phone from my jeans pocket, grateful that it was still in one piece despite being put through that struggle, and through blurry vision I dialed the only number I could think of. The pounding was getting louder when the person on the other side finally answered.


"Alex! He's going to hurt me," I sobbed. My words needed no further explanation.

"Where are you?" He asked sounding on the move already as shuffling muffled his words ever so slightly.

"At his place. Please, hurry."

"I'm on my way!"

The call died and just 15 minutes later, or less I wasn't keeping track of time, I heard the sound of a door breaking down followed by complete pandemonium and then... darkness as the blood loss and pain finally got the better of me.

In due time (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now