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Grays POV:

'What?! Dead?! The love of my life is.... Dead?!' "I don't believe you!" I shouted "believe me honey, I watched her breathe her last breath" she stated as she was looking at her nails, then I punched her. "Ice lance!" I yelled then small arrows of ice came rushing to her. She managed to block it with a hand, "So.... You lived to be an Ice mage? Huh?" She asked "Yeah, but its none of your business" I said, as I jumped in the air to pounce on her "Well, you have no chance to beat me.." She said, as she slid aside, then I fell to the ground, face first. Then we fought, Simon regained his strength and fought the bird... Man.... Birdman.
It took hours but we finally beat them.

Your POV:

'Gray... You got a lot stronger' then I tried to walk to my brother, leaving bird brain to die there. "Are you okay?" He asked with a blank reaction in his voice and his face "yeah, let's just kill Erza" I said, as I wiped off some blood from my face. Then I saw Erza run to Brother Jellal with swords "Stop this at once!" She yelled, I then hid in a  small and dark corner of the tower of heaven, and I just watched. "Erza... No, I won't stop this. You don't even have the authority to stop me..." Brother Jellal said with an straightforward tone in his voice. Then Erza tried to attack him, but I couldn't help but defend him "Such monstrosity sissy Erza.." I angrily said with a dark aura surrounding me. She then jumped back when I slashed my sword against her. "Y/N.... No it couldn't be..." Erza said "Believe it or not. I am the real deal" I said walking around her, then I stopped walking when I was faced with her. "Shouldn't you be with Gray?! He missed you so much! He looked for you for years!" Erza said in anger as she bowed her head a bit, and clenched her fist. I then slashed her with my sword, which made her fall, and me standing as a tall as a tree. Then Brother Jellal stood up, and he held my shoulder "Nicely done F/N..." He congratulated "Your not even that useless anymore.." He said as he let go, and he walked to Erza, "Aren't you a despicably helpless woman..." Brother Jellal complimented as he pinched Erzas cheeks together. Erza was trying to move, but she couldn't break free from my attack, because my attack was embroidered with a chain like that slowly chokes you every minute. Then Brother Jellal carried her to a cage that I brought. "We'll all die here if we don't get out!"Erza informed, I then couldn't help to laugh at Erzas stupidness. " Your the most stupid, dumb, and unluckiest person in the whole world!" I said as I slashed her with my weapon, she was so bloody, just how I like it. "Why are you doing this?! Weren't we a happy family?!" Erza yelled "Ice devil! Roar!" I yelled "We were! But you were a backstabber!" I yelled back "Y/N! Behave! We shouldn't hurt her for our ritual!" Brother Jellal informed, I then walked back into the dark corner, watching everyone's every move. "Now we'll all be killed by what the magic council has to do..." Erza sadly said as she was clinging onto the bars of the cage that I brought earlier. "Its almost time..." Brother Jellal whispered "So... If  Y/N and I killed you right now, what would be your reaction?" He asked 'WHAT?! WAS THAT THE DAMN THING THAT HE JUST ASKED?!' I yelled in my mind in anger, disappointment, and confusion "My reaction wouldn't be anything.." Erza angrily said as she clenched her fist, WS she still clinged on the bars. "I don't know what everyone else sees in your damn self..."  Brother Jellal said with disappointment in his voice. Then the time of the giant lacrima is gonna shoot, "BOOM!" the lacrima shot the tower of heaven, then the tower of heaven became a blue lacrima. 'Just as expected...' "Wh - what?!" Erza said in surprise. 'I am exposed' I thought "Jellal and Segrain are the same person, Segrain was the only way to get the council to shoot the big lacrima at the tower, couldn't you use that pretty petty brain of yours sissy?" I explained, then she looked at me with shock. "Your face is very pretty. But your attitude needs to change backstabber sissy" I said "Your not even my little sister" Erza said, then Natsu attacked me, I didn't have enough time to block it, so I was ready to face it, but Brother Jellal blocked it for me "D - do you need some help?" I asked "No! Stay away from this! I don't want you to be hurt!" Jellal said as he focused on the people in front. "No! I won't let you - gah!!" I yelled, as he pushed me aside, that made me hit the wall, then Brother Jellal got hit by Natsu's flame, I tried to attack Natsu, but Jellal put a spell on me to chain myself to a wall, "No! No!" I yelled as he was being beaten, I then got free and I beaten Erza, I then brought her body to a part of the lacrima that completes our mission. Then the tower of heaven was shaking. I was very worried 'maybe, Brother Jellal might get hurt? Maybe he could even die?!" I worriedly thought. The crazy Natsu ate the lacrima from the tower of heaven, then he got a lot stronger than usual. He fought with Jellal, which I can help Brother Jellal, because, I was watching over Erzas body, sinking in the lacrima. When I looked to see how Brother Jellal was doing, he was already down, and hurt. Natsu just passed me, and I ran to Brother Jellal. "Are you okay?! Do you need to see a special doctor?! I could donate my life for you! Maybe we could heal you! Maybe - " I said worriedly while crying, but brother Jellal stopped me by saying "Y/N... Don't worry.... I'll be fine, just save yourself...." He said, as he held my chin and stroked it "No! No! I won't leave you like this brother Jellal!" I yelled, as I held his hand "Just leave me... I just want you to be safe, and I want you to be known as someone else, not my sister.... Because you might be sent to jail..." He said "NO I WONT! I DON'T CARE IF I GET SENT TO JAIL! I JUST WANT TO BE BY YOUR SIDE!" I yelled "Please Y/N, don't be so hard headed. I want you to get out of here... Before this falls" he warned, then the building shakes, and continuously shaking, until the tower of heaven fell to the ground

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