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Y/n's POV

I close out of Instagram, turn my phone off, then wipe my tears that are streaming down my face. Ever since me and Nicki came out, the barbs have been attacking me.

Saying things like 'Nicki only wants you for sex' or they come for my looks saying how ugly or fat I am. It's really getting to me, but Nicki doesn't know.

She comes out of our bedroom bathroom, with a smile on her face which quickly disappeared when she sees I'm upset.

"What's wrong mamas?" She asked getting on the bed, coming over to me.

I just shake my head and wipe my face. "I'm okay, I'm just about to start my period." I say which is a lie, making her scrunch her face at me.

"No the fuck you not, you just got off. What's the issue? Did I do something?" She asked, her phone vibrated, it was my post notification for Instagram making my eyes widen.

Nicki raised her eyebrow at me. "Did you post something that's gon make me mad?" She laughed, trying to brighten the mood.

She opens up Instagram and likes the picture, I watch her go to comment and her mood changed.

"Nicki I- how long have they been saying shit like that?" She asked, cutting me off.

I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, but it doesn't matter." I said, taking her phone make her look at me crazy before snatching it back from me.

"Fuck you mean this shit don't matter?" She yelled, getting outta bed walking over to the bathroom.

"Nicki it's not a big deal it's Ight, I'll be fine." I said getting up following her to the bathroom.

"No Ian gon let nobody talk shit about my fixture wife." She says, making me blush.

She props her phone up on the bathroom counter and goes live, making me tilt my head at her. I was only in my bra and panties, and she just had a Ethika set.

"Bae what is you doing?" I asked getting out of camera view.

"Nah get yo ass back here, wait til everyone gets on this bitch." She says, pulling me over to her by my waist.

We waited a little while until about 20k people were on the live and she picked be up by my ass, and wrapped my legs around her waist.

"Do y'all see this right here?" She asked, squeezing my ass making me shake my head and place my head in her neck.

"This is my mother fucking wife!" She said, making me pull back and raise my eyebrow at her. Before she continues, "well at least she will be one day, and I promise you that. If I see any other comments in my baby's comment section that aren't positive. I will fucking coming for yo life my nigga. I don't play about the girl that I love." She said pulling into a kiss.

"Bae you don't have to be doing this." I whispered, she shook her head and rubbed on my ass some.

"I do have to do this, people should know better then to fuck with the person I love. My future wife and mother of my kids, don't play with me. The Shade room I hope you got ALL THIS SHIT TOO!" She chuckled, placing me on the counter before picking up her phone.

"Now if you real barbs would excuse me, I gotta go fuck the shit outta my wife. Love y'all." She says before quickly ending the live.

"I love you Nika, thank you for sticking up for me." I said, wrapping my arms around her neck, pulling her into my body.

"I love you more, don't ever thank me for doing what I'm supposed to do." She said, sucking on my bottom lip.

Oh so she's trynna get some pussy PUSSY.
Today was terrible, bitches aren't shit, but I'm so fucking over it at this mother fucking point🤦🏽‍♀️-Madi💫

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