I could see wizards outside guarding the guild, they carried arrows and bows. I could hear screaming just from seeing me walk up. I quickly took quick glances at the guild, calculating how big I should do my attack. I took my now finished lollipop out of my mouth and threw it the ground. 

I outstretched my right arm, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Thats right. Just concentrate Ruka-yeah you're doing it".

I shook my head getting that voice out of my head. I opened my eyes and threw my attack. 


I got out a new lollipop from my pocket and got ready for the aftermath. Nothing happened for a few second but soon afterwards, purple light imitated from the windows and doors from the guild, a large slowly spinning milky way appeared from above me and wizards starting to fall. I smirked and jumped into the air. The wizard were caught off guard and couldn't keep up with my speed. I saw Sting and Rogue in the mist of the battle. 

The battle had now continued on solid ground and so far I hadn't gotten a single scratch. I felt a sharp jab on my rib and saw a wizard had shoot an arrow and had lightly grazed my side. And at the same time my lollipop had fallen from my mouth. My last lollipop, the only thing that actually kept me happy was now wasted and dusted on the ground. I groaned and turned to fight the wizards remaining. I glared at him and rushed over to him. I used my claw and fist of the galaxy dragon attack on him. He was now lying on the ground all beaten. 

I lowered my head and whispered into his ear. 

"Please die". 

"Recovery of the galaxy dragon" I murmured

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Recovery of the galaxy dragon" I murmured. This wasn't an attack it was just a spell to heal my minor injuries. 

I once again cracked my knuckles and looked at my surroundings there was about a hundred or so left. I groaned amd rushed over to the fighting. I few minutes later I felt someone had their back to me and then smelled Sting's scent. "250" he panted. I knew what he meant, we had starting this game when we were about 16. It was simple, take out as many enemies, the winner would make a command to the loser. Sting would always try to beat me, saying he wanted me to kiss him. But, he never once beat me until he cheated once. 

I smirked, "280" I panted as well. I heard him chuckle as he dodged an attack. I elbowed a wizard close to me and kicked another one. "And that was that was the last one" I declared. "I win" I say confidently. "I think I did, with a total of 295". My smirk disappeared and turned my head back. Rogue was standing there, clearly not interested that he had won. Sting put his arms around my neck and placed his chin on my head. "Rogue you never seem happy even though you win almost win 50 percent of the time" we say nonchantly. He simply turned away and walked to some fallen pillar and followed him. 

I took a look around and noticed we had created quite a mess. The untouched guild that I had left unharmed was now in shabbles and torn into pieces of rock. There was nothing left. 

From Fairy to Tiger {Sting Eucliffe} DISCONTINUED Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin