Past: Why are you the way you are?

Start from the beginning

            Natsu's head quickly fell as tears of his own started cascading down his face. "I-I didn't m-mean t-to..." He cried, his small fists curled into balls at his sides. "I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE HER CRY!!!" He shouted up to the ceiling. He wasn't trying to change anyone else's opinion, they all knew that he would never do it on purpose, it was more of a reassurance to himself.

         The normally rowdy guild was now silent due to the siblings' quarrel. It was about five minutes later when someone finally broke the silence.

          "Well, that was a stupid thing to do". Everyone's gazes shot up towards the young ice-make mage who held a slight scowl on his face. "W-what did y-you just say ice princess?"Natsu said, his head still hung low. "I said it was a stupid thing to do. Now, are we going to go find that sister of yours or what?" Gray said, a friendly smirk now resting on his face. "For once, I agree with you..."Natsu said, lifting his head up now, "NOW LET'S GO MAKE AMENS!!!"He screamed, fire shooting out of his throat as he screamed towards the ceiling. "It's 'make amends' you idiot, but whatever" Gray sighed, following the pinkette out of the guild hall.

~(small time skip in the story)~

          You ran and ran, not knowing where you were going, just going away. You don't know why you flipped out on him like that, you were just angry. The job didn't even matter to you that much, so why did you freak out? You could have sworn that your vision was tinted gold during the fight, and you felt as if you were not in control of your body. It terrified you. The possibilities of what that could have been and its intentions flooded your thoughts as you sat yourself down under a tree. 

           You didn't even realize that it had started raining while you were running, and you found yourself under a tree, soaking wet. You slowly pulled your knees up to your chest and rested your head on top of them, more tears running down your face at the pace of the rain. As you cried, you heard the leaves above you move, but you didn't pay much mind to them, too caught up in your own sadness. You soon felt a small tap on the top of your head. 

           You looked up to be met with a set of cat-like eyes looking at you with curiosity. You simply tilt your head with the same curiosity, the tears still streaming down your cheeks. "Hello there," the cat-like thing said. 'It reminds me of Happy' (Y/n) thought as the cat spoke. "H-hi" (Y/n) replied, her voice still shaky from her crying. "I'm Forest, what's your name?" He asked, sitting across from her. "I-I'm (Y/n), nice t-to meet you Forest!" She said, a small smile forming on her face.

         "I-if you don't mind me asking, why are you crying?"Forest asked her, his curiosity getting the best of him. "O-oh, i-it's really n-nothing" (Y/n) stuttered, wiping her nose with her sleeve, sniffling quietly. "Are you lonely?" He asked. (Y/n)'s eyes went wide as he said this, shocking the exceed a bit when she did this. "I-I didn't mean to offend you! T-that's just why I cry, so I was just putting it out there..." He said, looking to the side like he was disappointed in himself. 

          (Y/n) just stared at him with kind and understanding eyes as she watched the tears start to form in his. You slowly reached your hand out in front of you, gently resting it on his head. He looked up at you with surprise, not expecting you to do that.

         "You were right Forest, I was crying because I felt lonely," You said, your soft, close-eyed smile resting on your face as a single tear slowly ran down your face. "I had a fight with my brother, and this is the first time we have fought, and I'm feeling really lonely without him," She said, slowly looking up at the sky as she continued to rub his head. "I'm so used to having him here with me and him understanding me that I feel lonely without him," she said, finally blinking away her tears. Forest looked down, a sad smile on his face. "oh w-well at least you're not completely lonely" He said, mumbling a soft, "unlike me" under his breath. You lightly closed your eyes as you leaned your head back against the tree, the rough bark gently scraping the back of your neck as you did so. 

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