Chapter 20: Angel In The World Of Monsters

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Waking up yet again however thankfully I'm not in a holding cell tied up. I'm on a fluffy bed with black sheets, blanket and pillows. The floors are black wood, and so are the furniture in this room but the walls were white along with the door. I notice the big king sized bed that I'm laying on. Groaning I don’t even bother with trying to escape, I'm too beaten to a pulp to even walk. I hear the door opening and footsteps lightly walking towards me. Opening my eyes I see Rocky with a tray of food, he sits down on the side of the bed his body facing towards me. “Hey Angel, how  you feeling?” I groan trying to sit up but failing miserably “Don’t move, your only going to make the damage worse!” I instantly sink back into my previous position. “Fine.” Croaking a little bit as I spoke. My voice strained I tried to speak “Where’s Billy.” Rocky looks at me worriedly even if his words are betraying his eyes. “He’s still with the Gold Snakes in their warehouse trying to track you down.  He obviously is trying to make them lose our tracks but one way or another they’ll know where we are. We still need information from them and since Billy is closer to them than me, he couldn’t be the one to betray them.” Nodding my head understanding what he’s saying but another question pops into my head “Rocky, where am I?” He looks down at the platter of food then looks up at me “Well the Gold Snakes are after you, Grim Infernos and Divine Abyss are also after you. We didn’t have much of a choice.” They brought me to them. The fury evident on my face but Rocky was quicker than me to speak “No, we didn’t bring you back to them although they probably know we have you, especially if they know Billy is with those snakes instead of ‘looking for you’. But that doesn’t matter right now you need to eat and heal, that asshole Eli did quite a number on you.” I chuckle but grimace in pain the second I let out a chuckle, but that doesn’t stop me from smiling. “I pissed him off. I started talking about how his brother probably got in too much shit with the Divine Abyss and Grim Infernos that he couldn’t take revenge himself and how he deserved every second of it.” Rocky starts bursting out laughing “You did not! Oh my god I would of paid to see the look on his face.” Smiling but closing my eyes for a brief minute and dropping my smile “Yeah but I know I only got the beginning of what’s to come.” I sigh deeply “I'm being tossed gang to gang, it wont be long until one of them catches me and finishes me off.” Rocky smiles “You think Billy would let that happen?” I shrug not knowing at this point who’s against who and who’s on my side. “Kat, he’s crazy about you. Ever since he met you, your all he’s been talking about. He didn’t want to bring you into this lifestyle, believe it or not he was even going to leave it all just for you.” The heat begins to rush to my cheeks but my words were quick just like my annoyance “He’s the Scorpion that has been hunting my ass for god knows how long. Son of the boss of Divine Abyss.” Rocky was quick to counter what I just said “But he’s also Billy, the teenage dork who loves his blue camaro and who wants to go back to California.” Sighing I see his point “I don’t know Rocky. Don’t get me wrong I like him, a lot actually but I’ll be long dead before we ever start dating. It will happen, not even Billy can hide me from the destiny that awaits me. I fucked up, so much that I have 3 gangs after my head.” Rocky’s eyes immediately go wide “Wait, I think I have a plan. I should probably wait until Billy comes back in a few hours so I can cross it by him first. But don’t worry Angel, we’re all putting our necks on the line for you right now. We wont let anything happen to you.” I look at him “Tell me what plan you have.” Rocky shakes his head “Please Rocky.” I ask begging him which causes him to groan rolling his eyes as well “Well, we could ask help from John’s daughter Isabella. She could pull the strings from the two gangs there and we have Billy with those snakes. If it all goes well they could call a gang war on each other. Which can cause one of 3 things to happen, one of the gangs could be wiped out which could cause more gangs to be involved which would mean one less gang to worry about and it would give you and Billy enough time to get the hell out of here or you and Billy can team up getting Neil and John to get rid of the Gold Snakes for you but this would gain their loyalty where they would accept you back, only if you wanted to. Or finally it could lead to maybe even a world wide gang war where god knows what will happen.” I nod my head taking in this information, Rocky is smart I’ll give him that much. “That’s good, really good plans. I don’t know if I do want to go back to the Divine Abyss and Grim Infernos.” Rocky looks at me “Kat, your family is in hiding, you have 3 gangs on your head like you said. Not only would you have 2 gangs behind you for anything you need but as well to protect you and your family will be safe. Yes they did fuck up, but I wouldn’t judge them so hardly especially if you don’t know a single thing that happened that night.” The shock was evident on my face my mouth dropped open from the way Rocky was speaking to me, his voice dripping with anger yet he was so calm, he sounded the type of calm that was starting to get pissed off. Okay my vibes on Rocky keep changing like a coaster, I have to stay cautious of him. “I have to go, I'm guessing you can manage eating on your own?” I stretch out a arm to grab a cracker from the tray in his lap and toss it in my mouth with my one of my eyebrows raised up “See? I can manage.” He nods his head in my direction “I guess you aren’t too fucked up.” He stands up placing the platter where he was sitting and leaves the room closing the door behind him. Billy will be here in a few hours, Rocky’s plan could easily be faulty especially if he’s a traitor. At this point I cant be too careful with who I trust. I have to talk to Billy in person and alone, if it’s anyone I trust while I'm immobile it’s him. I eat a little bit but wince in pain every time I move, once I get a few bites of crackers, cheese and fruits I put my hands on my stomach. I close my eyes knowing I’ll be bored waiting for Billy to get here, I fall asleep and go deep into dream land.
I open my eyes finally awake, I'm in the middle of the forest with fog surrounding me. I see the Hawkins lab in front of me, there’s a man in a lab coat walking towards me. “Angel, is that my little girl?” I instantly start crying and run up to the figure in the lab coat. “Dad! I thought I would never see you or mom ever again!” his arms wrap tightly around me just as much as I'm hugging him tightly. His arms suddenly are starting to get way too tight and I'm starting to lose my breath. “I thought I lost you my princess. Daddy’s princess. Finally safe back at home.” I finally take the courage and look up at the man however the shadow face quickly changed to Billy’s and he’s wearing his classic blue jeans and leather jacket. “That’s not your father there. He’s a monster.” I look behind me where I was in arms of that shadow man in the lab coat but as soon as I lay my eyes on this shadow man he turns into a demogorgon. He opens his mouth and I scream remembering what this monster looked like from last year when I was with Steve and he burned one. I immediately get tackled by the monster but yet again hear the mysterious voice that I cant pinpoint from my dreams. “Get away while you still have the chance. Once you know who your dad is the whole world will change. It will all go down under from there Angel.” I fight off the monster for as long as I can trying not to wake up before I can get more information. I know my dreams become reality as soon as the stabbing from my dream happened in real life. “What do you mean! Who’s my dad.” I hear the evil laughter that haunts me in my nightmares “All I can say is that you are the angel from the world of monsters.” Losing my focus the monster takes this opportunity to rip me apart, just as my hearing slowly starts to fade I hear the voice speaking but fading out just like I am. “Follow my instructions and you won’t go home….., to the land of monsters.” 
I shoot my eyes open I feel the sweat rolling down my face but not bothering with moving if its just to wipe off sweat. I move my eyes around the room and the first thing I notice is the platter of food is gone, I look to my right, right beside the bed is Billy sleeping with his arms crossed with his chin to his chest. I smile wishing I could caress his face, not bothering with the pain knowing it’ll be worth it I sit up on the bed crying out from the pain. I moved my legs over the bed so it’s dangling, I look up at see Billy’s eyes fluttering open, he stretches his body and sits up on the chair that wasn’t in this room before. His eyes land on me and immediately widen with concern “You shouldn’t be moving princess!” He stands up from the chair and crosses his arm in front of his chest obviously a little mad that I'm disobeying orders. “Because you were too cute to resist while you were sleeping, emphases on were.” I giggle but wincing yet again. I see him rolling his eyes but immediately soften once he hears me wincing. He comes to sit beside me on the bed his hand coming up to the side of my face caressing it. “How is my girl feeling?”  I lean into his hand inhaling and exhaling his scent deeply. “I'm okay Billy.” He looks at me with a little bit of relief in his face from me saying I'm okay. “Princess, I'm happy that your okay. I need your help.” His hand lets go of the side of my face and onto my thigh squeezing it lightly. “With what Billy?” my eyebrows scrunch together wondering what he needs help with from a girl who cant walk right now. “I don’t know what to do, how to make it safe for you. What do you want to do Kat?” his eyes look at mine he looks like a little boy who is confused and is lost which makes me exhale deeply and look away for a second. I bring my hands up to my head running my fingers through my hair, wincing yet again from the pain but still doing it nonetheless, when I'm done I look at Billy “Honestly Billy, I don’t know. I just know I don’t want to trust your dad especially after letting me get hurt. If that night was just an initiation what would happen on a real mission. The Gold Snakes are an average gang, what if we go up against anyone from the top 10 yet alone top 5. Have you talked to Rocky yet?” he shakes his head “Rocky wanted to speak with me but I came to see you as soon as I got here and well I fell asleep.” Finishing his sentence I see the blush peeking up on his cheeks. I sigh “He thinks we should trust John’s daughter and have her pull strings from the Grim Infernos side and how you could pull strings from the Gold Snakes to start a gang war.” His eyes turn confused from me bringing up John’s daughter but immediately widen once I say gang war. “But Isabella isn’t even considered as a good enough gang member to marry into this life style. How would she pull strings if she can’t even pull a punch.” I shake my head “I don’t know but a gang war is not what anyone needs, as soon as two gangs are-” “Are involved so are the rest.” he finishes my sentence for me. I nod my head. “Rocky is my brother in our little dysfunctional family but this is completely insane of a plan he has.” I chuckle whimpering yet again but continue to speak “And you haven’t heard the rest of his plan.” Billy’s eyes widen at this thinking that there’s more to Rocky’s plan than just a gang war. Billy stands up and gets in front of me, I crane my neck up to look at him “I’ll be back I'm going to talk to the guys.” Nodding my eyes I lick my lips and this caused Billy to place both of his hands on the side of my face. He leans down and his lips land on mine in such a soft yet powerful kiss. After a few minutes we separate but only separating our lips, our noses are still touching and his hands are still on my face. “I'm so sorry I couldn’t get there sooner, before the damage was done.” His eyes are such a soft sad light blue mimicking his mood. “Billy, I'm happy that you got there. Whether that was 10 minutes before I got beaten or after, you were there that’s all that matters.” He leans back letting go of my face and picks me up bridal style laying me back down on the bed, I blush and he sees this as soon as he lays me down. “You didn’t have to, but thank you.” He sends me a smug smirk and wink that reminds me of the days when I first saw Billy at school. Who knew so much could change in so little time. “I know but I wanted to. You should rest until we work out a plan to get you out of this safely princess.” He leans over me and gently places a kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes, I need to catch a few hours of sleep knowing that I’ll need my strength for whatever is to come. There’s a storm brewing and we’re all going to get swept up by it.

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