Chapter 6: 34 Green Hill Street

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Pitbull got a bottle of brandy from somewhere and I am pretty drunk after 3 shots, brandy is a drink I will never be able to tolerate. I can have a half bottle of whiskey and still be okay just a little bit tipsy. I am stumbling like crazy right now my mind is buzzing. I walk to the couch to sit down a for a few minutes and my eyes fluttering from open, back to closed until they stop fluttering open. I feel arms under me and lifting me up “Billy ?” I open my eyes but this person is blurry so I close them again I hear a voice but decide to keep my eyes closed but listen in “Hey man, where are you taking her ?” it sounds like a familiar voice, the person’s chest who is carrying me starts to vibrate as they speak back to the other person “I'm taking her home, she’s had way too many and she asked me to take her.” I keep thinking of the handsome devil I become to like so much and unconsciously I say his name out loud “Billy.” “We should go, nice to meet you. Bye.” And I feel the movement of the person carrying me. Suddenly I feel the breeze on my bare arms and the loudness from the party fade. I open my eyes and try to focus I see Pitbull carrying me and I try to look behind him at the house where the party is and I see Billy standing at the door I outstretch my hand for him I quietly say his name he watches me as I'm being carried away and his eyes looked so sad, I can see the blues of his eyes turning even more blue. “Billy, Billy” trying to say it louder and louder but we walk further away. I pull my arm back as I feel like I'm being placed inside of a car facing towards the drivers seat I turn around facing the house Billy still watching as he smokes away at his cigarette I put my hand up to the window not wishing to go yet. I hear Pitbull getting in and he speeds off as I look at Billy while we drive away. I pass out feeling the car moving making me sleepy. 
I wake up still drunk when I hear the car door slam I'm being carried yet again, I open my eyes and try to look at my surroundings which I see a bunch of houses we’re walking in the direction of one of the houses that I have never seen before. I start to panic a little bit confused as to where I am, I try to speak but for some reason my mouth wont speak. We get to the front door and he opens the door and kicks it closed. I close my eyes thinking this is a dream, I feel him walking up the stairs and he keeps walking. Suddenly the walking stops and I'm being gently placed on a very comfortable soft bed of clouds. Or what it really feels like, opening my eyes for the millionth time tonight I see Pitbull getting in beside me on the bed. I yawn and completely close my eyes being incredibly tired, I finally pass out. Feeling the pounding in my head, I had such a weird dream that I was with Billy and we were trying to get it on that Pitbull took me somewhere I never been before. I open my eyes glancing around but the more I look the more I realize I don’t know where I am I sit up and look around oh shit oh shit oh shit, where am I. I spot someone beside me and look over where I realize it’s Pitbull, more confused than ever. I felt the bed moving and a groggy voice “Morning baby doll.” I turn around facing him now crossing my legs “Jacob, what happened last night, where are we ?” he turns around now facing me, his eyes shut but I can tell he’s still awake. “You don’t remember ? You really did get plastered last night then.” He giggles thinking this is funny I growl not in the mood for a joke “Jacob Evan Jones, where am I and what happened." His eyes shot open looking a bit scared but he puts his hands up in the air as if to surrender “You got extremely drunk, you specifically asked me to take you here that you did not want to go home and get beat up for getting drunk. Your at my house. In Maysville.” He turns around his back facing me I jump out of the bed not believing this. How could I of let this happen, I have to call someone to come get me. “Hey Pitbull can I call someone to come get me ?” he sounds upset as he speaks “Why not just stay for a few hours and I can take you home ? You did ask to come here.” I scoff “Pitbull, I was completely wasted last night ! Remember when you first told me about coming here with you ? And I said that I didn’t want to leave ? No. Instead you pay attention to my drunk words that you wanted to hear.” I said pointing at him as I finished what I said and he sits up angrily now facing me, in this moment I notice he’s shirtless and his eyebrows knit together from being pissed off “Drunk words are sober thoughts Kat, out of all people you should know that.” He half heartedly laughs and scoffs continuing on “Funny enough, you kept calling out for that guy. What was his name ?” now its my turn for my eyebrows to scrunch up from confusion he’s tapping his finger on his chin for a second than stopping “Oh yeah, Billy boy ! Aha, what really surprised me was that the bad girl who doesn’t fall for anyone not even her best friend, falls for that asshole.” I grit my teeth, if he thinks I changed from the person he once knew me he’s wrong. He forgot not to mess with me “You dirt bag, don’t you dare fucking call Billy an asshole. He may be an asshole to other people but at least he’s not to me, at least he listens to what my sober words are instead of listening to my drunk words ! He wouldn’t take me to his place if I told him I didn’t want to !” my words now practically screaming “You left, you haven’t been in my life since you moved. You stopped answering my calls, you stopped being my partner in crime. I don’t know who you are, but your not the same guy. Pitbull wouldn’t of pulled what you pulled last night and this morning.” I shake my head “Jacob, I'm calling someone to come get me. I don’t want to stay here any longer than I have to.” He gets out of the bed and stomps over to where I am his face just inches from mine his eyes burning with fury “I haven’t changed, you’re the one who stopped talking to me. Yeah I stopped answering your calls but you stopped talking to me about what was going on.” My breathing hitching at the accusation “Jacob I told you every goddamn thing ! I called you and left messages telling you what was wrong ! But I guess you thought I was a liar like your little girlfriend at the time convinced you I was.” I walk away but his hand grabs my wrist his hand getting too tight pulling me back “Don’t you dare bring Alexis into this.” I rip my wrist from his intense grip and growl back “Don’t call Billy an asshole and don’t call me a liar then.” I look down at my wrist rubbing it seeing the bruise forming I walk out of the room and run down the stairs, I spot Jacob’s little brother Anthony. He’s just a few years younger, a bit younger than Dustin. “Hey squirt.” His eyes dart at me and runs towards me “KAT !” I pull him into a hug “Whats up buddy I haven't seen you in forever.” Giving him a warm smile he looks up at me and letting go “Yeah it’s been great here with Jacob we love it here. How about you ? How come you’re here ?” his curious side getting the best of him “We went to a party last night and took me here. I wish I could stay longer but I need the phone Anthony. That reminds me what’s the address so I can call someone to come get me ?” he nods his head his sweet smile he points to the hallway “The phone is there and the address is 34 Green Hill street.” I ruffle his hair “Thank you Anthony.” I smile at him I stuff my hand in my jeans trying to find my cigarettes to have a smoke after this call but instead I pull out a crumpled piece of paper opening it up I see a phone number and Billy’s name under it. Not sure where it came from but not caring because it’s convenient, I find the phone in the hallway and punch the number in. It rings a few times and a little girl answers in a bored and annoyed tone “Hello ?” I clear my throat and talk back “Um, hi. This is Kat, I'm looking for Billy ?” “One minute.” In the back I hear the faint “Billy, phone for you.” I'm so nervous “Yeah hello, Billy here.” I feel a bit bad for asking “Hey blue eyes, it’s Kat.” His voice suddenly changed from a what do you want to well hey. “Hey babe, what’s up ?” I take a deep breath my voice becoming uneasy my voice cracking as I say his name “Billy, I need you to come pick me up. I'm not home and my car is still at Tommy’s.” I hear the confusion in his voice “What do you mean your not home, well where are you then ?” I break down a little bit “Jacob took me to his home in Maysville which is the neighboring town. I told him I didn’t want to come here but.” The anger radiating from the phone in the tone of his voice “But he did it anyways.” He takes a deep breath “Are you okay, did he do anything to you ?” I shake my head “No, I just need you blue eyes.” His barrier comes down as he softly replies “Alright, alright. I’ll be on my way, what’s the address ? I’ll be right there.” “34 Green Hill street.” “Okay I got it. I'm coming to get you, I’ll be there as fast as I can.” I let out a shaky breath thankful that he can come get me. “Thank you Billy, see you soon.” He replies back “Of course, bye Kat.” I put the phone down and start to walk to the entrance where my shoes are, putting my shoes on I walk outside closing the door behind me. I walk to the steps in front of me sitting down, I put my head in my hands thinking everything over. Jacob is insanely jealous of Billy, he took me to the next town over, I was calling for Billy last night, Billy and I almost got it on. It was a crazy night, I hear the front door open looking back I realize it’s little Anthony. “Hey kiddo.” He mumbles a hey back closing the door he sits next to me. “Is it true, you got into a fight with Jake ?” I put my arm pulling him in I lay my head on top of his “Yeah, he wasn’t being very nice to me Anthony.” “Yeah, he isn’t always so nice to me too. He said you were going and never coming back. That your boyfriend is probably going to come pick you up.” Taking a deep breath I let it out with a sigh “Anthony, your older brother doesn’t want me to have a boyfriend.” His eyes look at me with such innocence “Yeah because he wants to be with you ! He cried countless nights when we moved here, he didn’t want to leave you. Although he doesn’t show it especially when he’s mean but he does love you.” My world spins as I hear all this news, I did like him but he was like a twin brother it was hard to see him as a boyfriend. “Did he tell you all of this ?” he shakes his head “No, I heard him. Whenever he talks to his friends or when he falls asleep on the couch I hear him calling out your name and that he loves you.” Now what he said earlier makes sense. When he said that I would fall for Billy over my best friend I was so confused but it’s all clear now. I feel bad but he was still an asshole about it. “I didn’t know that, but I think we need some time apart Anthony. To think all of this through.” I hug him “Thank you for telling me this bud. I’ll miss you though.” He cuddles into me suddenly, we hear a car roaring near by. Looking to our left seeing the source of the noise, a blue camaro. The car stops in front of the house by the curb, “Is that your boyfriend Kat ?” smiling I shake my head “That’s my friend.” Billy gets out of the car he’s wearing his leather jacket and a blue shirt with blue jeans and his boots. I let go of Anthony and get up running to Billy I jump in his arms thankfully he catches me and spins me around “Thank god you came. I'm so happy.” He puts me down and puts a hand up to my face to inspect it, he lets go of my face and his hands grab my hands lifting my them up scanning my arms. He loosened his hand but suddenly tightened when he saw a bruise on my wrist his eyes became furious the clear light blue eyes turning to a deep gray. In a low voice trying to keep calm “Did he do this to you ? I place my hands on his face “Billy it’s okay, Jacob was sorry. Lets go home.” He looks past me to Anthony who was watching us this whole time “Hey kid, is Jacob inside ?” he nods his head not knowing Billy’s intentions “Yeah he’s upstairs.” Billy nods his head and walks past me I tried holding onto his jacket to get him to stop but instead he shrugged my hands off “Get in the car Kat.” My voice urging him “No Billy stop, he’s not worth it.” He keeps walking as he slams the door open and running up the stairs I follow after him I look back and yell to Anthony. “Get into the basement and stay there unless your brother comes to find you.” Nodding his head he runs to the basement I hear the faint but still audible “What the fuck are you doing here ?” I quickly sprint into Jacob’s room to see Billy tackling Jacob to the floor throwing punches back and forth but Billy obviously winning. “Billy !” I cry out getting behind him trying to pull him off “Billy please stop !” Billy stops punching Jacob holding him by his shirt that I see he’s wearing “You fucking prick ! You lied to me last night saying you were going to take her home, that she asked you to ! I was with her when she told her brother she will stay at the party or get a ride home so I know she wanted to go home but not with you !” he lands a punch on Jacobs face his face already looking pretty bad. Using all my force I manage to pull Billy off of the beaten Jacob, he falls back I move my knee in between his thighs as he laid back on the floor and I grab the collar of his shirt. Tears streaming down my face his eyes lighten and soften as they land on mine “Billy I want to go home” we stare at each other for a minute “Okay princess” I help him up and he puts an arm around my shoulder turning around to face Jacob still on the floor his face badly beaten Billy points a finger at the boy on the floor staring at the girl he loves in the arms of another, Jacob stares at Billy as he speaks “Don’t you dare touch her ever again, or it will be worse. We’re going now.” I put my hand on Billy’s chest stopping him from moving I look at the broken hearted eyes of Jacob “Jacob, your brother is in the basement, I told him to stay there until you go get him. Goodbye Jacob.” His eyes starting to tear up, my eyes doing the same we turn around and walk down the stairs through the front door slamming it behind us. Billy opens the door of his car for me and I get in, he closes the door behind me and walks round the car getting in the drivers seat. Feeling the chill from the wind but not noticing it until now I rub my hands trying to warm up my arms. I wish I had my jacket, but I don’t know where it is. Suddenly feeling something heavy getting dropped around my shoulders my head shoots up to look to my left where I see Billy’s jacket missing on him, I look on my body to see that it’s around me. I whisper to him “Thank you Billy.” blushing at the gentleman like action “Yeah no problem, sorry for that back there. I just don’t like the thought of someone hurting you.” He opens his pack of cigarettes putting one in between his lips and lighting it he takes a drag and hands it to me, as well I moan as I take inhale it “Oh, I been craving one for the past hour and half.” His eyes turn from his innocent blue to a lustful deep gray like last night I notice he already lit another cigarette and is smoking it away “Billy, I appreciate what you did. I guess in a way he deserved what happened.” Randomly thinking of it, Billy was pretty sober last night or at least looked like it. “Blue eyes, what happened last night ?” he chuckles slightly “Well what do you remember ?” smiling I start rambling on about what I think happened “Well, I remember everything up until we left the guest bedroom at Tommy’s. I remember a few things after that, small memories like when I was being carried away I heard someone asking where I was being taken to. Other than that nothing really. I know I didn’t want to leave, I regret leaving. To be honest I had other things in mind.” Blushing back to the thoughts I had when I was with Billy in that guest room. Looking at Billy I see him looking at me “Oh yeah ? Like what princess ?” his eyebrows cocking up. Laughing I reply “Billy I told you to stop calling me princess !” my teeth on full display for him to see his eyes turning dark gray yet again today in the most lustful way “Well you didn’t mind last night when I called you that.” Oh shit really ? “Weeeell, I must of not heard you that one time.” He stops at a stop sign leaning in close to my face “I said it more than just once princess, more like 30 times.” Smirking he gets back in his normal position and continues to drive back to Hawkins.

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