Competition (2/2) | Natsuya Kirishima x Reader

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Contrary to what Jisoo believed, you and Natsuya shared a generally peaceful dinner. Food and recounting his adventures, from London to California to Sydney - it was all solely funded from his winnings in swimming competitions. It made you wonder, how a man with such amazing potential, did not care for medals. He could easily be scouted onto the Olympic team, what was holding him back from staying here?

While at dinner, Natsuya suggested getting everyone back together for dinner the following day. You invited your roommate and already had a place in mind since the two of you near haunted a specific dinner place (and thankfully it was open for business.) You hesitated in calling Nao, but figured you should since Natsuya's presence was a rare gift and you did not want to withhold that from him.

The phone conversation was awkward and it was only spurred on when Nao commented on the picture of you and Oikawa. It seemed you had not taken his advice in avoiding the brunet, but actually actively sought his presence. Nao cursed himself inwardly, he pushed you away, of course you could find solace in someone else (especially an annoying setter who was keen on making his way into your life).

Nao agreed to a time and place for dinner. And when the two of you approached, he was already standing alongside Natsuya. You greeted them with hugs, Jisoo respectfully calling them Serizawa and Kirishima.

It was too formal for the both of them, who simply suggested to use their first names.

"Two swimmers and two volleyball players in a booth, who would've guessed?" Jisoo commented when the group sat down. She was at your right while you sat closer to aisle, with Natsuya across from you and Nao next to him.

"I'm still surprised you're here." You directed toward the brunet.

He took your hand and placed it on his heart, "Does this convince you?"

You kept it there for a second, wide-eyed at the gesture and amazed at just feeling his steady heartbeat pulse under your palm. Attempting to shake away your doe-eyed look, you cleared your throat and withdrew your hand back to sit back at your side.

Jisoo smiled at the movement while Nao looked on knowingly. The waiter came by and took your food orders, the restaurant bustling away as other Sunday patrons entered for their last meal of the day.

"You can't blame us." Nao later added, "I haven't seen you in half a year."

You blinked, before turning your gaze to look out the window. So he visited Nao, in Tokyo where you were as well, but not you?

"It's been a solid year for me." You murmured aloud, not breaking your gaze from the outside world, or at Natsuya's awkward gaze.

Jisoo said nothing at this information, just as shocked that Natsuya had ignored you for that long. Nao, however, called out his best-friend and former captain for his wrongdoing.

"Natsu isn't obligated to tell me everything about his life. It's not like he has to report to me every time." You reasoned, murmuring in a low voice. "I'm just happy if he tells me anything at all."

There were no words to alleviate how tense your table was. Jisoo knew there was nothing to be said, nothing that could fix the lost year between you two. Nao was just as angry as he was the night you were talking about Oikawa Tōru - at least now it was making more sense to the previous manager. If the brunet ignored you then, then there was no doubt that you had not been in close contact in the in-between time either.

Nao understood now, you had not seen or heard from Natsuya in a year.

And he felt much guiltier in his attempts to keep you two together. No wonder you seemed so helpless concerning your mutual best-friend, Natsuya purposefully made himself scarce with you.

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