Chapter 3

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“Seriously, Thor, where are we going?” Jane grumbled as Thor led her through the dizzying halls of the palace. He had conveniently blind-folded her, and he knew that she hated it when she couldn’t anticipate things. Surprises were well and good, but Jane preferred to be able to expect things and predict them. Thor knew this very well, especially since he had been the cause of a lot of surprises for Jane in the past few years.

“I’ll tell you when we get there.” Thor said with a smile. He held Jane’s shoulders and was guiding her through the intricately carved halls. He wasn’t expecting to be back here so soon after the talk with his father, but he had returned more or less of Jane’s wishes. Despite what she had experienced in this realm, she was still more than willing to learn whatever she could about it. Thor marvelled at her carefree thoughts in regard to pain and misfortune. She was forgiving, and had almost instantly forgiven his father after the events that had occurred. Thor had too, but it was a totally different situation. It was his father, someone that he had known his entire life, but to Jane… he was nothing more than a distant acquaintance. As they walked down the halls, memories flooded through his mind, happy ones of his childhood with his family, and the many experiences since then. He thought of his mother, teaching him humility and manners, chasing him down the halls when he refused to listen. The memory sent a pang to his chest, for his beloved mother was now with the stars once again. Smiling at the thought of her, his thoughts flickered to his brother and the fresh grief he still held over Loki’s death. Loki was always difficult—Thor couldn’t deny—but he had had his moments of chivalry and humanity. It was true that Loki had caused harm all over the Nine Realms, but, he was Thor’s brother nonetheless. Rather, he had been. Thor wondered if Loki had passed on peacefully, and he wished for it with all of his heart. He still deserved it, despite his crimes.

Jane huffed, and the sound brought Thor back to reality. He chuckled softly at her impatience and picked up pace, hurrying her through the halls.

“Stop pushing me so fast,” Jane said, stumbling softly, “Not all of us have giant, muscular legs.”

Thor grinned, and stopped, pulling Jane back, who had been anticipating to take a step forward.

“Why did we stop?”

“Because, you aren’t satisfied.” Thor said.

Jane felt her spine go cold, “What are you going to do?” Leaving Jane to indulge in the many horror scenarios going on in her mind, Thor released her shoulders and took a silent step back, remaining still in his position.

“Thor?” Jane asked slowly, spinning around on the spot. He remained silent, causing Jane’s anxiety to spike up. She whipped her head back and forth, trying to catch the smallest sound. There was none much to her disappointment. Just as her shoulders began to relax, Thor pounced on her, causing her to scream and jump in the air. Despite her temporary blindness, she was able to twist in his grip and smack him hard across his chest. It didn’t do much damage, because Thor picked her up and carried her. His footsteps echoed through the hallways and Jane tried to orient herself. Much to her chagrin she could not figure out where they were. Soon, Jane felt warmth hit her skin and she craned her head towards the sky. Sure enough, light filtered through her blind-fold, lightening the backs of her eyes a dark pink. At this point, Thor lowered her to the ground carefully.

“Are you ready?” He said whispering into her ear and making her shiver.

“Just take the damned thing off!”

Thor gently undid the blindfold, letting it slip off her delicate face.

“You can open your eyes now.”

Jane’s eyes fluttered open and she was blinded by the harshness of the star that was Asgard’s sun.  Her eyes adjusted and she was met with paradise. The garden seemed to stretch to infinity, green extending in every direction. In the distance she could hear water falling and hitting rocks—indicating a waterfall. The plants were nothing she had ever seen. Colourful flowers of all shapes and sizes occupied most of the green, and trees stretched towards the sky, curling, twisting and flourishing with colour.

“I have never seen anything like this.” Jane whispered.

“My mother looked after this garden.” Thor said, “It was one of her favourite places in Asgard.”

“I can see why.” Jane said. She stepped forward meeting a stone path that wound through the rows of plants. Her hands were outstretched as she walked, her fingertips grazing the plants. The varied in texture: going from rough to smooth, to silky to soft. The sensations sent shockwaves through Jane’s nerves and she marvelled at the complexity and variety that surrounded her. It felt like an overload, but at the same time it felt right. Thor watched her as she wove through his mother’s intricate garden, examining each flower petal, watching the light filter through the leaves of the trees. It mesmerised him.  Her curiosity was contagious, but so was her wit, her laugh, her beauty. Everything that were seemingly normal qualities stood out in Jane, and it made her alive.  Jane ventured through the lush garden, taking in as much as she could. As she wondered, she came to a grass area with only the path cutting through it. The sun here was strongest, it reflected off the path, almost blinding her. The sterility of the area was welcome amongst the intricacy of the rest of the garden. Frigga seemed to be in tune with visual balance. It didn’t surprise Jane; this garden was everything like Frigga. It held aspects of her personality—especially her strength, kindness and mischief.  The plants she had chosen and their arrangement showed this perfectly. Jane meandered down the path, casting a look on either side of her, waiting for the grassed area to be broken up by something. She stopped abruptly, her eyes widening.

“Oh my God! Thor, come quick!” Jane’s cry echoed through the empty garden. At her feet was a body, sprawled on the grass.


A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been really busy with school and life in general. Please COMMENT|VOTE|ADD if you like this story!

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