Chapter 2

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“Jane, what are you doing?” Thor approached her, as she scribbled furiously in a notebook. She had papers spread all around her in a haphazard mess that would not be easily sorted.  Jane didn’t even look up at the sound of his voice; clearly absorbed in whatever she was doing. Her brain was known for ticking away furiously at all times. Since their return to Asgard after the events of London; she had been studying anything and everything she could find on Asgard and the nine realms. The entire principle of separate worlds was fascinating and she wanted to know as much as she could. It was the only logical thing to do since her time in Asgard would be limited.

“I’m trying to work out the gravitational frequencies of Asgard and comparing them to the readings of Earth. I want to know the precise differences and these are my calculations.” Jane said, scribbling a few notes down before holding her notebook to Thor. The page was scrawled with numerous equations, depicting all kinds of strange symbols and numbers.

Thor furrowed his eyebrows, and nodded slowly, “That looks… complicated. Are you sure you don’t want to ask one of the scholars about this?”

Jane put her book back down on the wooden desk and began scribbling again, “I already did, they were trying to simplify things for me, and they ignored my input. I’m better off doing this by myself.” Jane said, her voice going up a notch. She stared at the page in front of her, and continued scribbling as if Thor wasn’t present. Her ability to absorb herself in something so quickly was baffling.

“I see.” Thor said slowly, unsure of how to proceed in this situation. He was not one for academics and he honestly could not even comprehend what Jane was talking about. Sure, he knew the basics, like any other Asgardian, but to be so involved in knowing every minute detail? Thor couldn’t fathom himself being like Jane. He smiled, Jane was exactly perfect the way she was. Her curiosity made her stand out against the crowd, like a stark black ink stain on a sheet of white paper.  Sometimes she asked too many questions, but it was one of the things that constituted her and Thor loved every aspect of her, from her quick mind to her bravery.

“Well, if you are quite done with your research, I thought you might want to come with me.” Thor said after a few moments of Jane’s scribbling. She paused, the scratching of pen on paper with her, and looked up at Thor.

“Where to?”

“It’s a surprise.” He grinned and Jane did the same.

“Okay,” she said getting up and dusting herself off. The pale blue dress she wore was made of velvet and hung to her frame nicely, accentuating her slight curves and making her look regal—a part of Asgardian royalty. Thor’s eyes didn’t leave her as she went through the mechanical motions of closing her notebook and tucking it into the top draw of the desk and putting her stationary away in the draw below it.

“I will never understand why you use such utensils in place of the Asgardian way of recording things.” Thor said, as Jane approached him, offering his hand to her.

She took it gracefully and smiled at him, “Asgardian technology is out of place on Earth, I’m already strange as it is.”

Thor chuckled slightly and led his lady away.                                               


Spinning masses of colour, was the first thing that Luna could see as she opened her eyes. She was sprawled on the ground, her simple clothing splaying around her like a white halo. She had landed face first into the dirt and could taste it; her nose was buried into the grass, its earthy scent filling her airway and landing on her tongue. Half of her face stung and winced as she blinked, trying to gather herself. Through the grass obscuring her vision, she could see the edge of a path that glimmered in the daylight that bounced of it. Beyond that, she saw nothing more but grass. Groaning, she tried to lean up on her elbows, but her muscles ached in protest and she plopped back down. The worst part of being a Wish Angel was the way one entered the realm of the wish. Frigga’s wish had sent her to the place where it could be fulfilled and in the process of that, a Wish Angel gained a corporeal body, so that they could interact with the world. It was mostly the physical sensations Luna could not get used to, despite having done it numerous times in the past. She had lost track of time years ago, but so far, her sister and brother had not joined her in Paradise, and from this simple fact, she knew that it had been a few millennia if not more that she had passed across the boundaries of existence and spirit. Luna forced herself to try lifting herself again. Her arms shook with exhaustion and she fell back to the ground, her chin hitting the dirt hard. She winced as the shock radiated through her face, slight pain hitting her brain like a drum. It didn’t help that it was already spinning like a spinning top. She groaned softly, and moved her face so that she was lying on one cheek. It was far more comfortable to have her face in this position despite the thick scent of earth and prickling of young grass. Her comfort with pain in her previous life was shining through, but, it was clear that that experience would fade the more time passed and she grew accustomed to her non-corporeal life. She was already letting herself become weak in the eye of pain. Soon, her eyes became heavy and she felt herself drift to a realm of her own making.


A/N: I completely forgot that I wrote in front and had some chapters ready. Whoops. Hope you enjoy this and feel free to ask questions that aren't mentioned in the Author's Note!

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