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"Okay so," It was dark out and even the lights in Noan's office were off, they were surrounding a few candles. "How do we teleport out though?" Noan waved his hand, "I have favors owed, don't worry about it, it's how we survive outside." They nodded, "We could-" Naomi paused, "ah, uh como se dicé-" she tapped her her leg, "Whatev-" "Describe it." Naomi looked to York, "to get something but it's like you, you pay and-" "to buy?" Naomi nodded, "We could buy some hair dye for you guys to take away suspicion, hats wouldn't do any harm either."

Noan and Honic just stared at her, "What was that? How did you, como? What does that mean?" Naomi laughed, "Spanish is my first language," "First?" She nodded, "I said how do you say because I couldn't remember how to say buy," Honic nodded but still didn't seem to understand, "You have, multiple languages?" Noan mumbled something to himself, no one had time to ask what it was he'd said, "You've never had another Hopper speak multiple languages?" They shook their heads, "Probably but not in recent history," Naomi laughed quietly, checking the door. "I think Blue knows a bit of Spanish too, but back to what we were talking about."

"Money is going to be our really problem, once we find a place to stay then it's really just supporting ourselves." Noan mumbled, "I have a bit of money saved up, not much." "My family has a bit of money." Cas offered, "I can take a little bit out of my savings account, not like I'm going to college at this rate." None of them said anything, "Are you sure? You could actually live a semi-normal life with that kind of money Cas," Cas shrugged, "I mean, you guys are my family and living with them isn't really preferable." No one asked anymore questions.

They decided they'd leave two days from then, the problem came with the kids and the chips. "We'll have to take them out right before we leave or they'll know something off." Noan looked around the room, "Alright, if that's it then scram." There was a small circle of laughter before they, one by one, snuck out of the office.

Dj had to sleep in Naomi's room, mostly because there weren't any spares. "Are you still sure you want to stay here?" Naomi had let her have the bed. "Yeah. Sounds like adventure." Naomi laughed and stared up at her. "Alright, don't say I didn't warn you."

The two days dragged on. Finally, the kids, Noan, Honic, Aza, and several other Jumpers gathered in Noan's office. They had small bags of whatever they wanted to bring. "We have to cut out the chips, it's going to hurt." Naomi took the knife from him and pointed to the thin scab on the inner part of her bicep, "I already found it, how deep is it?" Noan took the knife from her. "Ready?" Naomi shrugged indifferently but York was her gripping the desk with white knuckles.

Eventually they all had their chips out, piled on the desk. Blue had barely kept his crying in check, as not to alert anyone that he was not in fact in his room. "Ready?" The Jumpers looked more nervous than they were.

They landed somewhere in a field, a Jumper pulled Noan aside as the others gagged or threw up. Dj and Natalie stared at each other, "They okay?" She asked quietly, Natalie nodded, "It's a side-effect." Dj nodded as Naomi wiped her mouth and joined them.

"There's two cars down the road a ways, after that we got the money you asked for." "And you won't say a word?" The Jumper nodded, "I don't even know your gone." They disappeared.

They all got in the cars. Noan, Honic, Atti, Blue, Aza, and June were in the first. Ryan, Naomi, Dj, and York got the front portion of the second while Natalie, Cas, and Ollie got the back. They had three phones. One was Natalie's, she'd left it with Blue for the music, the other was for Noan and Honic and the third was for Ryan's group.

"Alright Noan, you ready?" Ryan asked, checking and double checking seemingly everything in the car. "Yeah, just follow- Honic put that down. Just follow us Ryan." Ryan started the car, "You do know how to drive right?" Natalie called from the third row, "Of course I know how to drive. Shut up shortie."

They drove until just around twelve before they bought two rooms at a hotel. "Alright guys in this one, girls." He pointed them all to their rooms. "Rest up, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

"I'm bored," Atti, Aza, and June were already asleep, Atti in the window seat and June was passed out in the little hotel chair. Natalie rolled over to face Naomi, "Naomi, shut the hell up!" Naomi launches a pillow across the room, it hit Natalie square in the face, sending her backward and into York. "Naomi!" Naomi rolled out of bed and moved to the bathroom, "I'm going to sleep in the bathroom." "No yor not sit down." Dj yanked her back into bed.

"Anyone dyed their hair before?" There were all crowded in front of the hair supplies. Dj and Ryan raised their hands. "Okay," "Are you sure this will-" "It'll be fine Honic." They grabbed two packs of hair ties, some plastic gloves, and black dye and then returned to the hotel.

"Alright Honic," Dj mumbled, she led the boy into the bathroom and sat on the side of the tub. "You sure you guys know what your doing?" Ryan and Dj stared at him, "We got it, we gotta bleach your hair and then we'll get the dye, sit tight."

They bleached his hair, it still had that shimmer about it but now it was as white as Dj's. "You look freaky with white hair," Honic stared up at him, "The chemicals smell awful." Ryan shrugged, "Yeah it's whatever."

They continued. "You ready to see it?" Honic nodded and they pulled him into view of the mirror. He gasped and looked at his hair, "That's insane! I don't even- I look like a Jumper almost." "You look like an everyday person now, we'll have to dye it every now and then but it looks good." He nodded and happily left the bathroom. Noan was more of a hassle, his hair was down to his waste.

"I think you should cut it." Noan stared at himself in the mirror. "Okay," His golden hair shimmered in the weak bathroom light. They left him alone to cut his hair, when he stuck his head out to call them back in he looked like an entire different person. "It's all in the bag. I'll get rid of it later, let's just get on with it."

After Ryan and Dj had finished dyeing his hair most of the room went to bed, Dj stayed awake. She was fixing up her roots with the hair bleach they'd gotten. Around one there was a knock on the door, "Who's in there?" It was Naomi, "Come in,"

She opened the door quietly and sat on the edge of the tub, "You dyeing your hair the same color?" Dj glanced over at her, focused on the mirror, "I'm fixing it," Naomi stood up, surveying her hair, "It looks fine," Dj sighed and continued painting on the dye. "I'm just trying to get the back-" "I'll help." Dj paused and handed her the brush. Naomi helped her to get the back portion of her roots.

"Here wait, make sure I got it all," Naomi moved to sit in front of her, rhythmically moving through her hair. "I think your-" Dj slowly looked up and she stopped, "Wow," Dj felt her face heating up. She slowly moved her hand to trace circles on her knee, "Does it look alright?" Naomi nodded, "She looks beautiful." She froze, "It, it looks stunning." Dj scooted closer, "I think I," she moved her finger to her chin, "like you,"

Naomi pulled away, "This isn't a joke right? You aren't just like, I don't know, yell sike and run off right?" Dj gasped, "No, I'd never, Naomi-" "Do you promise?" Dj brushed a hand against her leg again, "Of course," Naomi shook her head, "No, no, do you promise?" Dj stared at her, she looked so scared, even more scared than when she thought Natalie wouldn't wake up and the battle with Red. She was making herself vulnerable, "I promise Naomi," Naomi nodded and scooted closer, "Then I guess we can do this,"

Dj pulled her closer and both of them started laughing. "I think we should wait. First kisses shouldn't be in cheap motel bathtubs," Naomi laughed, "Cheap motel bathtubs are my home," so then they found themselves in the bathtub, legs thrown over the side just enjoying each other's company. "Well that was-" Naomi leaned onto her shoulder, "An adventure?" Naomi laughed, "Isn't that why you said you wanted to stay?" Dj looked up at her, "Yup," They both laughed quietly.

Gone Again: World Hoppers {book two} Where stories live. Discover now