Heartstring gave a slight frown as he got the ticket back, when they started walking to the stairs he finally spoke up, "The tickets I got us were definitely not up there," He glanced back at Tony. "I think someone important noticed you in the suit today, Mr. Stark."

"Of course they did, that's what I was planning," he straightened his black blazer with the pride of his plan working, but Peter could tell that he didn't think it would get him this far, at minimum a mention in the papers.

As they climbed the many stairs, the rest of the crowd that followed them soon filtered away till it was just the three of them on the last few lengths of the stairs. When they reached the Top Box they found it was fairly small compared to the others they passed. With a total of twenty seats set in two rows of ten, it sat halfway between the golden goal posts on either sides of the pitch. In other words, the perfect spot to watch the epic game.

It didn't take too long to notice a cluster of red hair occupying a part of the first row, along with one bushy haired girl and a boy with black untamed hair.

"Hey guys," Peter gave them a friendly smile as he approach Harry, Ron, and Hermione. He was really kinda hoping that they didn't make a big deal out of his outburst earlier that day.

Everyone turned to greet him, but there was a set of three new faces that Peter didn't recognize.

"Ah! Peter!" Mr. Weasley said with a cheery smile, "I heard you had a low blood sugar problem, hope you had plenty of sweets to make you feel better."

Peter glanced at with a slightly confused look but quickly gathered that low blood sugar was the excuse for his incident. One he hadn't completely come to terms with yet, but was doing marginally better than before.

"Don't worry, plenty of chocolate frogs," Peter smiled.

Mr. Weasley took a step into the aisle, he walked up to Heartstring and Tony who still stood near the doorway, Peter was already down by the railing getting a better look at the stadium.

Mr. Weasley then stood in front of Heartstring his his hand out. "It's a pleasure to meet you face to face Iron Man," he held out his hand.

Heartstring looked like he was about to have a heart attack from embarrassment, "Um- I uh, I'm not Iron Man," He finally managed to choke out.

Tony almost looked horrified at the misunderstanding but he was too shocked to manage that, never, never, in his entire life has someone mistaken someone else for him, while they were standing next to each other!

Peter had to hold his hand over his fact to keep from bursting out laughing, Tony's shocked expression was priceless. He needed to get a picture of that, luckily he had his camera already out since he was just about to take a picture of the view. He easily turned his camera to snap the view of Tony and Heartstring.

"Oh! My apologies!" Mr. Weasley corrected as he shifted to be in front of Tony, who had recovered quickly, but Peter could tell that he was still in shock.

Tony just flashed the wizard a press pleasing smile before saying, "No need, should have shown my face to you earlier," He said as he reached out to shake the hand.

"Boys come up, I want you to meet someone," Mr. Weasley motioned down at the three unfamiliar faces, he was obviously unaware of how the misunderstanding was effecting Tony and Heartstring. Heartstring quietly excused himself from the box, his face a noticeable shade of red.

The three complied to the command but the youngest seemed a little annoyed, despite trying to hide it under politeness. "This here is Mr. Iron Man!" Mr. Weasley announced.

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