"Christ, you just had to get taller." Indi grumbled. Patting the older woman on the back. "And you've let your hair grow out."

"You cut yours." Jo laughed, pulling back and running her fingers through Indi's short hair. "I thought you'd never cut it."

"Yeah well." Indi waved her hand in the air. "Look, I'm glad to see your dream is true and by the ring on your finger, you're engaged, that's great to. So I'll keep it short."

Jo blinked. "Slow down, there's no need to keep it short." She laughed but the dull look in once shimmering sea green eyes had her faulting.

"I want you to send me back." Indi stated. "Kai is still trapped with a Bennett, who honestly has the staff of god shoved so far up her ass she thinks she's holy." Indi muttered, not so quietly the last part.

"You, you don't know?" Jo only found the notion of her wanting to go back to be shocking. Indi gave her an dulled expression once more. 

"Indi, Kai escaped a week ago. Ever since he's been causing hell for us. And now, he's wanting merging to with me."

Indi blinked. "He's going to kill the Coven." She stated.

"Which is why I have to learn how to use my magic all over again to beat him in the merging." Jo nodded.

"You're going to merge." Indi crossed her arms. "Here's a thought, don't. Just leave, take your new family and friends and go."

"Indi, Kai can't be allowed,-"

"Oh, shut up." Indi snapped. "Can't be allowed to roam, I heard it already. But you seem perfectly fine being friends with vampires, who also, surprise, kill people."

Jo was utterly caught off guard. "Inid, what did Kai do to you in the Prison World?"

Indi shook her head, turning and jerking the door open. "He didn't do anything the Coven hadn't tried." She stated dryly. She left the room but remained visible as Jo chased after her.

"Listen, Indi, I need your help. We can deal with whatever happened to you but only after Kai is gone." Jo tried again.

"You know he's a monster. If he had changed he wouldn't have kidnapped Luke and Liv, Elena or even me. He wouldn't still be out to kill all of us."

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe the only reason he wants to kill all of us is because of how the Coven treated him?" Indi snapped. 

"And that maybe, in a twisted way, he's justified. I mean really, what good has our coven ever done but shun those we think weak and beat those who are different."

"Indi." Jo pleaded, grabbing her shorter girls arm and pulling her to a stop. "Please, I-I don't want to die and if I don't do as Kai demands I will."

"So, you want me to help you kill Kai by winning the merge?" Indi wanted to make sure she was hearing Jo right.

"I know I shouldn't ask." Jo spoke gently.

"But you just did." Indi pointed. "Don't you have a human issue to deal with? Take care of that and find me in the cafeteria." Indi turned and left Jo in the hallway.

'What do you want to be when you grow up, James?' Indi asked as she laid on the gross peering up at the stars. Her four year old brother laid on her chest, also gazing at the stars, a blanket covered them both.

'Indi Jones!' James shouted.

'If you're going to be Indi Jones, why don't I tag along? We can be the famous Drabrek Siblings.' Indi laughed.

Hiraeth ↭ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now