4. What Must Be Done

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Indigo Drabek was the eldest of four siblings and only daughter to Ivan and Scarlett. She was the first among the new generation to show such promise. It was said that if only she had been born a twin, she would have led the coven. 

It was this belief that forced her into two engagements. So to say that Indigo didn't have her own ill will toward her coven would have been a lie. 

Was she as bitter and filled with hatred as her first fiancé? No, she was certain no one could feel as greatly as he did about wanting the coven dead.

What she was however was something just as dangerous; understanding. It was her understanding toward the coven and Malachai that had fueled her brace announcement. The room had fallen silent. 

Her parents and the coven stared in horror and awe. Here was a girl, one of the futures of her coven, and she was sacrificing herself to make certain Malachai would never be allowed to harm anyone ever again.

Indi herself wasn't certain why she shouted that she would go. That she would take the key and make sure Kai never escaped the prison world. The idea of his punishment was worse than death. 

He'd be trapped, re-living May 10, 1994 over and over for all eternity. The difference is the entire world would just be him, soon to be her. They would never age and if they killed one another or themselves they would simply come back.

 Indi volunteered to spend eternity with Kai and she had no clue why.

She had watched the bodies be carted out on gurneys. Saw the coven weep demand for Kai's blood. It would be his own father, Joshua, that came up with his punishment and the coven loved the idea of endless suffering.

 Indi herself wanted Kai to pay for all of the bad he had done, but she never wanted this for him. Was that why she volunteered? Or was she stupid. Not even Jo, his twin had volunteered to go and make sure he never escaped. 

She only offered to be the bait, to trick Kai into thinking she would merge with him. The entire thing was strange but Indi didn't have long to reflect on Kai and his reasons for suddenly killing his siblings and wanting to become the head of the coven.

"No." Ivan Drabek slammed his fist into the thick wooden table they sat at. "I forbid it! I won't allow my eldest child to be trapped, babysitting a monster. He's tortured her far enough!"

"He stole her magic, look at her!" Scarlett spoke, voice thick with fear. The coven turned to Indi who stood in front of the door where she had burst in after Jo told her what happening.

"She can hardly stand, Joshua." Bethany spoke, resting her hand on her husband's arm. "The coven has lost enough of our children."

Indi flexed her fingers. "Forgive me," she spoke. 

She resisted the urge to press tightly to her temple. She had been healed and her magic restored but that didn't mean she felt great.

"Malachai killed four of his siblings and nearly killed Liv, Luke and Jo." She clenched her hands into fists.

 "Sending him to the prison world won't be enough. He is far too smart and with eternity on his hands he'll find a way out."

Joshua Parker stared down his future daughter-in-law. "You offer your life to insure this monster never walks free?" 

He knew her parents couldn't see it, but he did. Indigo Drabek was making an ultimate sacrifice and he greatly respected her for it.

Indi blinked. "Yes."

 She didn't waver and her conviction was all it had taken. She would go into the prison world and make sure Malachai would never escape.


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