"Z-man, you and Cassie are gonna be partners. Lucky." Darren says folding his arms across his chest, smirking. Zane gave Darren a glare that surprisingly didn't scare him. Normally, Zane's glare could make a person freak out, run or faint. Maybe I did exaggerate in the fainting part.

At the end of class, I pick up my bag and rush towards Mr Collins' desk. He's arranging papers.

"Please can you change my partner?"

"Not at all Ms Evans,"

"Can I at least switch with someone else? I could be James' or Darren's partner. Just please" I plead. I push my glasses a little bit above my nose.

"All partners have been shared and no one has complained and wanting a partner switch. I'm sorry but I can't do anything"

"Can you just do me a little favour? Please!"

"Ms Evans, you do your project with your partner or risk failing this class," I gulp at the sternness of his voice. "Pick a topic and prepare for your presentation. I will see you for your project presentation and submission." Whilst saying this, his voice was calmer and softer. I think he just wanted to pass his message across the first time.

Someone is behind me. My stubbornness won't make turn back so he knows that and decides to speak.

"I'm sorry about that," his deep voice states smugly. He walks in front of me with a smirk on his face. "Later partner."

I need to shut this guy up in one way or the other. Not in a mean way. Just to make myself look cool. I clear my throat and look into his eyes.

"Library. 3pm. Don't be late." I walk out the class, leaving him there shocked. Way to go Cassie. Who's the boss now?

The library.

The home of books.

A glorious place to read and for others, sleep due to the quietness and peaceful environment.

Who am I kidding? I'm here to finish my English homework. I'm writing when someone grabs my pen from my hand.

"Hey," I turn to see no one but Zane standing behind me. "What was that for?" He shrugs.

"I. Need. My. Pen." I jump trying to get my pen from him but he raises it higher every time. I finally get my pen and I huff at him, sitting down and back to my homework. He stands in front of me and grabs my pen once again.

"Dude!" I shout but he places his index finger on my lips and smiles briefly.

"Relax," he stops smiling and moves a little bit closer to me. I could just describe this situation as uncomfortable. "Chill a little. You're feisty-"

"I'm not,"

"Yes you are,"

"No, I ain't,"

"Whatever! Learn to relax and let go. It'll do you some good."

"Thanks Dr. Phil..."

"Anytime." I roll my eyes at him as he hands over my pen to me. I smile briefly and continue writing. He tucks loose strands of my hair behind my ear and I just stare at his blue eyes and his curly hair that contrast against his skin tone. His pink lips and wow, he's got a nice body.

"Are you-"

"No!" I blurt out a little too quickly.

"Sure...you're not. Tell me you like the view." he says with a hint of sarcasm.

"You know, you're been too cocky that I think your ego can't handle it." I smile at him.

"Ow! Nice comeback darling. But it hurts." He smirks at me. "Tell me I'm handsomely cute."


"Come on!"

"Fine, that's if it'll make you sit."


"You are handsomely cute-"



"Damn it!"

He walks over to where I'm sitting and looks down at my note.

"You have a pretty handwriting." I look up from my note, staring into his blue eyes.

"Thanks. So about the project-"

"Really?" he sighs and looks at me.

"Yeah...really," I open my bag and pick out my Biology textbook, flipping to the content. "Pick a topic-" He rolls his eyes beside me and mutters the word "nerds".

"What did you say?"

"Nerds!" he says louder.

"Never you call me a nerd in your life" I say in a warning tone, holding my pen towards his face. He puts the pen down and laughs.

"Feisty much."

"No...I just don't like it,"

"Fine, I won't say it."

"Thanks. Just pick a topic while I finish this." I turn back to my homework before five minutes, I'm done. Well, that wasn't hard. I slam my pen down on the desk and look back at him. "Have you pick one?"


"A topic?"

"Oh yeah, this one." He points towards the topic 'Cell Division'

"My favourite..." we said in unison. We looked at each other and smiled, bursting into laughter not long after.

"Let's get to work." I reach out for my bag and pull out my notepad while Zane flips over to the chapter.

"What are you suggesting?"

"I think charts and diagram would do the trick."

"I like what you're thinking."

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