Black Panther vs Batman.

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The King of Wakanda and the Knight of Gotham battle for their lives! Which wealthy, black-clad superhero will land on their feet?


Wiz: Predators, these fearsome beasts strike fear into the hearts of many.

Boomstick: Well, sometimes, they strike in awe, but yeah, mostly fear.

Wiz: And these two superheroes embody the fear of specific predators to an extreme.

Boomstick: Batman, the genius crime fighter from DC Comics.

Wiz: And Black Panther, Marvel's royal warrior scientist.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills, to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Black Panther

Wiz: Before he was the Black Panther, before he was a king, T'Challa was born the prince of Wakanda.

Boomstick: Waka-where now?

Wiz: Wakanda is an isolated fictional nation hidden somewhere in Africa, but while Wakanda itself is shrouded in secrecy, T'Challa was anything but isolated.

Boomstick: He's been pretty much everywhere, but especially anywhere with a good university.

Wiz: After earning numerous degrees from Harvard, Oxford, Berkeley and MIT, T'Challa came home. His father, Wakanda's king, and then-current Black Panther, had been assassinated, and a new ruler needed to be named.

Boomstick: But, to claim the throne, he'd have to claw his way through the rite of passage.

Wiz: This would be a test of fortitude, designed to stress T'Challa's bravery, fearlessness, and combat prowess.

Boomstick: Also known as "beating the crap out of six super deadly fighters"! But hey, T'Challa wasn't just a nerdy brainiac. He could fight, too, and he passed with flying colors.

Wiz: Earning the throne, and the blessings of Wakanda's guardian deity, Bast, the Panther God.

Boomstick: But he had to nab some superpowers first, so he went through the ritual of the heart-shaped herb.

Wiz: This herb connected T'Challa to the Panther God, and that link bestowed him numerous superhuman abilities.

Boomstick: Who knew getting high could turn you into a superhero?

WIz: T'Challa's new powers included superhuman speed, strength, healing, and agility. His senses also dramatically increased in acuity. Not only can he see in the dark, but his superior vision can even make out infrared and ultraviolet light.

Boomstick: So, like, the powers of a cat?

Wiz: Yes and no. While cats do have exceptional eyesight, they cannot see infrared or UV light. Though it is a common misconception that they can.

Boomstick: Well, just like a cat, he can always land on his feet, thanks to his other super senses.

Wiz: Specifically, his vastly improved kinesthetic sense.

Boomstick: Which is, uh... definitely a sense for something.

Wiz: Kinesthetic senses make up a person's awareness of their own movement, like muscle memory, but in a broader scope.

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