"I bet you could beat me at cooking any day."

"I'm more of a pastry person, to be honest."

"Well if you ever need someone to taste test your pastries I would be more than happy to volunteer." I laugh and he realizes what he said. "Shit, I didn't mean it like that," he says slightly embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"I know. Relax. It was funny," I assure him and laugh some more at his expense. "You can taste my pastries anytime you want," I tell him with a wink before breaking into laughter. "Sorry, I couldn't resist," I tell him and wipe the corner of my eyes.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny," he says and throws a sausage link at me. It hits my chest and flops onto my plate. I gasp and he smirks

"You did not just throw that."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"This." I take a piece of egg and fling it at his forehead.

"Oh! It's on like Donkey Kong," he tells me and throws a piece of bacon at me. I laugh and throw something back and we keep going back and forth until he finally surrenders. I don't claim victory though, because I know he only quit because he was starving. Otherwise, he probably would have kept going.

We eat all the food and don't let any of it go to waste, not even the one we threw at each other. Most people would give us the side eye for eating food the other touched, but I could care less. I'm used to sharing food with others.

About an hour later we are all done and the dishes are all clean, and it's all thanks to our amazing teamwork.

"Now comes the messy part," he says, scrunching up his nose, which makes him look rather cute.

"A little mess never hurt anyone."

"It's more like a big mess."

"We'll clean it all up in no time."

"You sound too optimistic."

"Sometimes optimism is all we need. Now tell me, where are we going to be throwing away all of this trash?"

"In these," he says, holding out a large box of black trash bags.

I take a bag and lead the way into the living room and he follows after me. I start cleaning as soon as I step inside the messy space, and he doesn't hesitate to help me and helps me fill up bag after bag until his living room is left spotless.

"This looks so much better," I comment as I take in his clean living room that looks actually spacious now rather than cluttered and messy.

"Thanks for helping me."

"We're still not done yet," I inform him.

"What do you mean?"

"We still have to clean up outside."

"Shit! I completely forgot about the yard. Thanks for reminding me."

He leads the way outside and we take in the whole area and see that there is a lot of trash, but we know it isn't anything we can't take care of and immediately get to work until we finish.

"Now we're done," I tell him.

"And boy am I glad," he says with a sigh of relief.

"Now let me help you take out all the trash bags to the dumpster," I tell him, but he shakes his head.

"You've already done more than enough."

"Doesn't mean I can't help some more."

"I appreciate it, but I can do it on my own."

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