"Is this how you plan on punishing me?" I asked, breathing heavily due to the intense kiss we just shared. I had to keep the power in my hands; seducing him was the only way to crush him.

"You seem to like it," he replied with a smirk as he gazed at the belly button while his fingers ghosted over my skin, raising goosebumps along the way as if they some magical powers.

Conflict raged a dangerous war inside me. Did I dare tell him that his touch didn't affect me in the slightest or should I play along and pretend that his touch had me yearning for carnal pleasure? If I pretended to like what he was doing to me, then he might forget about hurting Natasha and extracting secrets from her. But what if it backfired and he ended up winning again?

Get him under you and then you make your move.

How would I get him under me? The man was dominating me and he did not know how to back down. Adone had warned me to be careful because Renzo was not used to losing, so I had to be clever if I wanted to switch roles.

"You look beautiful in lace," he commented as he ran his fingers over my bra. Why did his comment made me feel warm?

"I can show you more if you let me get on top of you," I replied with a smirk. Hopefully the lust in his green eyes would be dominating his mind right now, which would help me get what I want.

He chuckled before pressing a kiss on top of my breast. "You say the funniest things sometimes, sugarplum." My heart plummeted knowing he would never agree to it. "You really think I would let you take over me?"

"You should. You might just like it." I continued, not wanting to lose hope. I knew he would give in if I just behaved myself and not insult him, and though it was the hardest thing for me to do, I knew it would be beneficial in the end.

"And why would I like it? Do you have some tricks up your sleeve for me?" He enquired, bringing his face close to mine.

I swallowed the lump of lust down my throat before nodding. "Yes. Tricks you will like; I am sure of it." What if I fail to impress him like I was claiming to? Would he pierce me in some other place?

"And what if I don't like it?" I knew this question was coming and it took everything in me to hold on to my confidence even though Renzo was doing his best to snatch it from me.

"You will. I am sure of it." No, I was not sure of it at all but maybe if I could make a break for it I wouldn't have to deal with Renzo's disappointment in the form of rats crawling all over me. The last time I came in contact with his precious pets I had my clothes on but not this time.

He was quiet for a moment, probably thinking about what I said. However, though I was trying to be hopeful there was a sinking feeling in my heart, telling me that Renzo would never agree to what I wanted. But what would I do if he didn't agree? Could I just throw caution to the wind and attack him like he had a habit of doing? He never took permission from me before torturing me, nor when he was kissing me. I should do this, there was no other way for me to win.

"No. I like you under me. I like the fact that you are under my mercy, and I will make sure you remain this way for the rest of your life." Fear crawled over my heart and settled down, digging its claws for a solid foundation. Did he just say that I would be under his mercy for the rest of my life? No, he could not do this. I was having enough trouble as it was, I could not suffer like this forever. Did this mean he was going to kill me? Or did he mean something else entirely?

"Rest of my life? Surely you are in way over your head if you think you will have me forever." I sighed in relief when I freed my leg from under his weight, bringing it closer to his waist. If I kept talking, he would be busy listening to me and would not pay attention to what I was about to do.

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