Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Matt's Point of View:

"C'mon, it's been nearly a week!" I exclaimed to the cop as he tried hard to block me out.

"And like I told you last week, unless someone reports them as missing, we can't do anything," he said, not looking up from the paperwork he was doing.

"I've fucking reported this twice now you asshole," I growled, Brian looking on from a few paces behind. "So why the hell aren't you listening to me?"

The cop sighed, clearly over me being all up in his face; if he was actually helping me out, I wouldn't've had to get up in his face as much. He put his pen down and looked straight at me, most likely trying to intimidate me again. When I didn't move or flinch, he seemed a bit caught off guard. I'd had people at school try and do that to me, and I was used to standing my ground when it came to people like this cop.

"I'd appreciate it if you both left the premises," he said calmly, looking between me and Brian.

"Not until you start listening to me," I snapped back, slamming my fists down on his desk and making him flinch.

He may have been a cop and he was older than me, but that didn't mean I was gonna stand down when two people I knew were most likely in a lot of trouble and he wasn't gonna do anything to help.

"Please leave before I get someone to escort you out," he said, the frustration in his tone clear as day.

"If you don't do something right now, I'm gonna break your jaw," I growled. "I don't give a fuck if you're a cop; if you don't do something about these two missing people, I'm seriously gonna hit you."

"You do realise that it's illegal to hit a police officer?" the cop retorted with a bit of a smirk. "And threatening one can also land you in deep trouble?"

"I don't give a fuck if it's illegal," I shot back, the smirk being wiped off his face within seconds. "If it's the only way to make you realise there's a serious issue involving two missing seventeen year old kids, then I'll happily take the consequences."

"Matt, c'mon man," Brian said from behind me, keeping his voice down as he put a hand on my arm. "He's not gonna do anything."

I looked to the cop who just shrugged at me casually.

"I'm gonna give you one more chance to help me out," I said. "And if you refuse again, I'm seriously gonna knock you flat."

"Matt," Brian warned, moving a bit closer in case he had to suddenly stop me.

I looked to the cop. The expression on his face pissed me off; he seriously thought I wasn't gonna go through with what I'd said.

"Sorry kid," he said with another shrug. "Nothing I can do."

"That's it," I said. "I'm done with your shit. It's your damn job to help others you prick! Why'd you become a fucking cop if you didn't wanna help?"

Brian grabbed my arm and pulled me back just as I was about to knock the cop down. The cop smirked at me again as Brian kept a hold of me, moving around to my front and pushing me back a slight bit. He knew I could get rather riled up, and he also knew I could get a bit dangerous when it happened.

He clearly didn't wanna see me get locked up because of a cop being a prick about a legit case.

"Sorry boys, but you're going to have to leave," he said with a sigh, though we both knew he wasn't sorry at all.

"I wanna talk to someone else about this," I said, still thoroughly pissed off.

Brian kept his hand against me to stop me as I went to move forward.

Broken Promises (#4 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now