Accident-Final part

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It’s now past midnight, Keith lays in bed, he doesn’t want to sleep but it would be the second night in a row he hadn’t slept because of his fear that the nightmares are going to wake him, but he’s too tired to care, he sleeps, but he’d only been asleep for one hour before he wakes up in a cold sweat, with trouble breathing, shaking, but he didn’t scream, not this time.
With each passing second Keith tries to calm himself down but it’s useless, he doesn’t go to Shiro, he doesn’t leave his room, what does he do? He picks up his phone and with shaky fingers, he calls the first number he finds in his contacts and that name just happened to be Lance.
It took a few rings before Lance actually answered “Keith? Do you have any idea what time it is??” Lance says with a yawn, slight annoyance in his tone, but all annoyance disappears when he hears Keith speak.
“L-Lance…” His voice shook as he tried to spit out a sentence “I’m sorry for c-calling”
“Keith A-” Before Lance could actually ask his question Keith had hung up, he tried to call Keith back but Keith wouldn’t answer. Lance left him a message after a few more failed attempts on getting Keith to answer his call. “Keith, Is everything ok? I don’t know if you meant to call me or not..and I know we only met pretty much two days ago but you can talk to me... I’ll listen.”
Keith listened to the message after he calmed down a little, really wishing it wasn’t Lance’s number that he called.
   The next day rolled around, after not sleeping anymore during the night, Keith was already up and showered, eating a bowl of cereal when Shiro strolled into the kitchen. “Oh...Good morning Keith” Shiro runs a hand down his tired face “I wasn’t expecting you up already.”
“Couldn’t get to sleep” Keith admits.
Shiro frowned and asks “More nightmares?”
Keith nodded and finished off his cereal.
“Keith, Why didn’t you come to me?”
“I didn’t want to wake anyone else up by knocking on your door, it’s not that big of a deal” Keith shrugs and sets his bowl in the sink, finishing off his glass of water “I’m heading off now, got an early class today”
“Keith…?” Shiro tries to continue the conversation.
“Drop it, please. I’m fine” Keith grabs his keys and pulls on his jacket, stepping out the door, closing it behind him.
Shiro sighed after Keith leaves, going about his morning.
   Keith backs his bike out of the driveway, heading towards the school, once again passing Lance, who was walking to school. Lance waved this time, Keith didn’t wave back, he’ll just pretend that he didn’t see him.
His bike parked, he pulls off his helmet and makes his way into the school. Once he got settled into a seat in the back of the class, he realized that he had some time to spare so he pulled his sketchbook from his bag and began sketching.
A few minutes pass by and soon Lance was dropping into the seat next to Keith.
“Hey, mullet”
“Hey” Keith didn’t look up from his drawing.
Keith probably doesn’t want to talk about what happened last night so Lance doesn’t bring it up, wanting to stay on Keith’s good side. “What are you drawing?” he asked, trying to peek at the drawing.
“Nothing” Keith covers the page more with his arm.
“Oh come on, you can’t say nothing when you’re obviously hiding it now” Lance smirks.
Keith glances up at Lance, a smirk of his own present on his face “It’s nothing you need to know about.”
“It’s gonna be like that is it?” Lance asks in a playful manner.
Keith just laughs a little, closing the book and slipping it back into his bag once the teacher started the lesson. Assuming that Lance wasn’t going to bring up the early morning call meant Keith can pretend as if it didn’t even happen and actually enjoy the rest of his day.
Everything seemed to be going great, it’s been a month since Keith and Shiro had settled in with Matt and Pidge, Shiro was still on the look for his own apartment, although Matt had told them they could stay as long as they wanted-he wasn’t going to kick them out anytime soon-he enjoys the company. Shiro had found himself a job, and Keith has been doing well at his own job at the cafe on the weekends. Everything was great, well, it was until it wasn’t.

Lance was on his way to school, it was Friday and he could not wait for the day to be over so he could sleep in on Saturday. While walking to the campus he listened for the sound of Keith’s bike roaring up the street, it’s become sort of a habit to Lance now and he smiles to himself when he hears that bike and watching it fly past him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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