Just as quickly as he entered the cave, he spun on his heel to leave.

Only he didn't.

He reached his arm above ground, pulling down a tall brunette girl into the cave, followed by a shorter red-headed girl.

My eyes might as well have fallen from my head, as I stare incredulously at the scene before me.

If Charlie thought my innocent dance with Jack was so wrong, than he certainly must realize the problem with what he's done.

Charlie's eyes fall everywhere but on mine.

Shame? Guilt? Or maybe plain indifference.

The two giggling girls sit closely together on the only spare rock.

The rest of the boys exchange wary glances, unsure of how to respond.

I feel my chin begin to tremble, as warm tears prick the corners of my eyes. Determined not to show Charlie the effect he's had on me, I push myself from the rock I had been siting on.

I can feel the boys eyes on me, as I quickly rush from the cave, and I could practically see the look of pity written across their faces as I hurry past.

I could faintly hear Knox and Meeks call for me, but my thoughts swirled so loudly in my mind, that my senses became numb.

I run quickly through the forest, the snow crunching beneath my boots, the cold wind hitting my skin like tiny knives.

Truly the downside to loving someone this much, is that you give them the power to hurt you.

Once I reach my room I collapse onto my bed. Throwing the covers over my head, and desperately trying to forget the scene of which just unfolded before me.

The tears flow freely down my rosy cheeks, as I bury myself deeper under the covers.

"Can I come in?" A soft voice asks from the hall.

I slowly peak my head out from under the heap of blankets, and in the doorway, stood Todd.

I nod, as he slowly walks over and places himself down on my bed.

"I don't think I wanna talk about it," I say quickly, my voice slightly hoarse.

"That's okay, I didn't want to talk about that anyways," Todd says, offering a small smile.

"You know," he begins, crossing his legs beneath him.

"Sometimes we love someone so much that we would do anything for them, and it's just not reciprocated. They care about you, and you know they do, but it's not at the same level— not in the same way."

"Unrequited love," I interject, to which he hums, nodding his head slowly.

"I don't see that with you and Charlie. Sometimes I see it with Knox and Chris, or..." he pauses, his words trailing off.

"Or who?" I ask bemused.

"Huh? Oh, no one," he adds quickly. "Just don't tell Knox I said that."

I smile, a genuine smile. "You have my word."

"I just think Charlie's not used to feeling how he feels. It's not that he doesn't care about you—it's that he does. He cares so much and doesn't know how to handle it."

I nod, letting the wise words of Todd seep into my brain.

"I imagine Charlie Dalton saw himself as a life-long bachelor." I laugh at his remark, instantly wrapping my arms around Todd's neck.

"Thank you," I whisper in his ear, slowly pulling away.

"I'm just glad you're okay," he says earnestly.

I could sense a slight sadness behind his eyes. A smile sat stretched across his face, but it never quite reached his light orbs.

"Did you wanna stay here tonight? Keep each other company," I ask, just as he stood up to return to his dorm.

He smiles, nodding his head. I pull back the large duvet, sliding over to the other side of the narrow bed.

Todd kicks off his shoes, before climbing under the warm covers.

"Todd?" I ask gently.

"Mhhm," his tired voice hums, barely audibly.

"Thanks again," I say, my eyelids falling heavy.

"Anytime, goodnight Vi," was the last thing I heard before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

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