Deserey looked at him, curious. "Why?"

"Something about that Caesar guy really pisses me off," the arsonist growled.

She shrugged. "Can't argue with logic like that." 

Rip rolled his eyes at the two. Sara leaned on the console, looking incredibly bored. (Though, Deserey suspected she was really just a bit dizzy, still. Either from her seemingly random attraction to the thief or from the time jump. Dez wasn't sure.)

"Forgetting physics and weird grudges for a second," the assassin said, "shouldn't we figure out what Savage is doing in Norway?"

Rip nodded, looking at her, thankful to be back on track. "According to Gideon, there is a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups looking to buy illegal arms." He gestured at the console, where the blue screen lit up. Deserey frowned, as the details of the meeting were written on the monitor.

"Now that sounds like a vacation," Mick said.

Leonard shrugged. "Arms dealers and terrorists aren't exactly our kind of people, but they're the next best thing." He gave Mick an odd look, but Deserey couldn't tell exactly what it was, but it was somewhere between 'what the hell, dude?' and 'we could sneak in and kick their asses.' (There was also a glance at the assassin that may or may not have been a flirtatious smirk, but Deserey figured that wasn't any of her business.)

"Well, looks like you and your lap dog get to earn your keep," Carter muttered.

Mick glared at him. "I'm no one's lap dog, bird man."

"We should get a dog though," Deserey muttered. "It could be our little legendary mascot."

Sara raised her hand. "I vote yes!"

Jax nodded. "It'd be kind of nice to have a furry companion with us. And the dog could guard the ship, when we're out and Chronos tries to attack again."

"Yeah," Ray said. "Except I'm allergic to dogs...and cats...and almost anything with fur..."

Dez frowned for a second, before grinning again. "How about a lizard, then? But it has to be a boy, so we can call him Mohinder."

"Why Mohinder?" Kendra asked.

Deserey shrugged. "I got it from some show my daughter watches."

Rip shook his head. "No! No pets. Because I already know none of you will take care of it, and I'll get stuck with it."

"Please!" Sara begged.

"No!" the captain said firmly.

Deserey laughed to herself. She hadn't meant to get everyone off track again, but it was uncanny how child like the team really was. And how dad like Rip was. It was like they were his kids. He was their dad. He was a Time Dad.

Kendra laughed as well, before getting serious again. "We'll talk about this pet thing later, but what exactly does one wear to a black market arms bazaar, anyway?"

Rip turned back to the office. "The Waverider has a fabrication room, which can fashion temporally-indigenous, uh, fashion."

Jax made a face. "You've got a room that makes clothing?"

Rip looked at him, frowning with confusion. "Doesn't everyone?"

"Nope," Deserey said. "But luckily you do, because none of us brought bags."

The team shrugged, before heading out into the halls. They waited for a moment, as Rip stepped in front of them in order to lead them to the fabrication room. It wasn't really a long walk. In fact, it was just down the hall and to the left.

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