"Ahh Severus! I was beginning to think you had lost your way. Come join us. We saved you a seat," he says. I walk over and sit in the chair. Draco sits across the table from me and he stares at the wooden table. I mentally sigh. He is too young to become a Death Eater!

"Severus! Is it true you are no longer working at Hogwarts?" Bellatrix Lestrange asks me.

"Yes," I say bluntly.

"Severus what is this? You no longer work at Hogwarts?" Voldemort asks.

"Yes my Lord. Dumbledore sent me to another school to spy on one of the teachers who he thinks has been doing Dark Magic," I say.

"Where is this school?" he asks.

"Romania," I reply.

"Ahh I see. Are you still in contact with Albus?" Voldemort says.

"Yes I am. I regularly check up on him and he still tells me a lot," I say. Voldemort continues with the meeting and after an hour I apparate the cottage. I open the door and a wonderful smell hits my nostrils. "Mione," I call.

"In the kitchen," she calls back and I smile. I walk into the kitchen and see Hermione by the stove stirring a pot. "Hey," she grins.

"Hey," I say back smiling. Hermione looks away and I hear her quietly sigh.

    *Hermione's Point of View*

"Hey," I say as Severus walks into the kitchen.

"Hey," he smiles back at me. I look away and sigh. In a flash he runs to me and grabs my fave in his hands gently. 

"What is wrong?"  he asks

"Nothing," I say. "I just miss Harry."


I sat in the Common Room alone with Harry. It is 1 am and we are doing our potions essay. Ron went to bed hours ago because he was tired.

"He is so lazy Harry. This essay is due tomorrow and he needs to finish it," I say angrily.

"Don't worry Mione. Its Ron he will finish it in the morning," Harry reassures me.

"He better..." I say. We sit in silence for a little while ad we work. "Harry... Do you miss them? Your parents?" I ask

"Yeah I do. A lot. I sometimes think that they are watching me from where ever they are," he says moving closer to me.

Sticking Together   (Snape + Hermione Fanfiic) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now