Chapter Nine

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           *Snape's Point of View*

Hermione and I cuddle in my bed for hours. We talk, laugh and kiss.

"We should *yawn* meet up during the holidays," Hermione murmurs snuggling into my chest.

"We most definitely should," I say holding her tight. Hermione breathes slow down and even themselves and soon she is softly snoring. A white owl flies through my open window and perches itself on the bedside table. Frowning I untie the letter connected to it's foot.

Dear Professor Snape,
Ron and I have been talking (well Ron has been begging me to wrote to you) about you and our best friend Hermione. Ron isn't happy with her staying with you as he is worried you may 'take advantage' of her. So we request that you stay away from Hermione because we do not want her to get hurt! If you were in our situation, you would be feeling the same.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Harry Potter.

I sigh. "Accio quill and parchment," I mutter. Grabbing the parchment and the quill I begin to write back.

Dear Mr Potter,
The decision of if I stay near Hermione is not yours to make it is, in fact, hers and mine. And I would not do such a thing as to take advantage of her. Because if you haven't noticed we love each other a lot. And perhaps if Mr Weasley didn't want Hermione to be with someone, he should of known better as Hermione is a beautiful found lady and deserves the very best. I do not wish or want to hurt Hermione in anyway nor do I plan to. So I am sorry but I will not stay away from her and if I was on your situation, no matter how 'evil' I thought the Professor was, I would be there for my friend and support her through every decision she makes.
Professor Severus Snape.

Sticking Together   (Snape + Hermione Fanfiic) •IN EDITING•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt