Chapter Seven

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          *Hermione's Point of View*

I walked towards the potions class room, my head filled with thoughts. As my knuckle touched the door to knock it swung open and I was dragged into the room. The door slammed shit and Severus's lips crashed against mine. I smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"I didn't know if you were okay! I was worried sick when you didn't come to class," he whispered into my ear.

"I couldn't come! I didn't want to see anyone so I sat I'm the Dorm until now," I say.

"I am glad you're okay," Snape says kissing me again.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I wish you didn't see that," I say turning away.

"Hermione I am here for you okay? You can tell me anything and I will always support you," Severus says hugging me from behind.

"That's what I am afraid of," I say.

"What do you mean Mione?" he asks.

"Severus there are things I haven't told you and I don't know if I will ever tell you! We both have our secrets and I don't want you to waste your time," I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Hermione I am not wasting my time. And I don't want to have secrets between us. I will tell you everything if I have to," he says.

"Okay," I say going to the cauldron. We work on the love potion again and we both stay silent. Tears continue to roll down my face but I ignore them. After an hour or so Severus breaks the silence.

"Come with me," he says in his Professor voice. I follow him into his office and he holds me against him. I sigh into his chest.

"I love you Severus," I say.

"I love you too Hermione," he replied kissing my forehead. "Now tell me everything," he says sitting on the couch and pulling me down beside him.

"I don't know what to say. My mother and father put me on anti-depressants and I have to take them when I get really upset. Today I had to take them," I say leaning on Snape's shoulder.

"Why are you on anti-depressants?" he asks.

"Well... I... A..." I cannot get the words out.

"Hermione it's okay you can tell me," he says softly.

"I have tried to kill myself 6 times," I whisper. Severus's lips crash into mine and I mentally sigh. I kiss him back as I move myself onto his lap. We kiss for a while and I lay on Snape's chest.

"Hermione I am always here for you," Severus kisses my cheek.

"I know," I say closing my eyes. When I open them Severus is sitting on the at the desk.

"Sev?" I say closing my eyes again.

"Hello beautiful," he says.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"11:45," he replies instantly.

"Ugh I have to go back to the dorm soon," I sigh burying my head in a pillow.

"Or you could stay with me," he smiles. "Tomorrow is Saturday honey."

"Or I could do that," I say sitting up.

"You talk in your sleep," Severus says smiling at me.

"That is creepy or anything Professor," I smile cheekily.

"Well Miss Granger for an 'insufferable - know - it - all' you are very beautiful," Severus says walking towards me.

"For am old man you know how to make a girl feel loved," I say kissing him passionately. Snape grabs my hand and leads, me back to the class room. Together we walk to his bedoom. I step in and smile. The room was covered in Green and Silver decorations.

Sticking Together   (Snape + Hermione Fanfiic) •IN EDITING•Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα