Chapter 2: You're annoying

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[You and Jungkook got your potbingsu and went to his house. You guys went straight to his room and sat on his bed.]

You: What are you gonna put on?

Jungkook: I don't know, what do you wanna watch?

You: I wanna watch a Drama... (smiling while taking out your potbingsu)

Jungkook: Okay.. which one?

You: I wanna watch Full house... Or You're Beautiful... No wait.. I wanna watch Rooftop Prince cause it has Yoochun from JYJ in it!! (fan girling and eating)

Jungkook: Oh gosh.. If your gonna watch that then I'm going to study while you watch it..

You: Why?! We are supposed to be watching it together.. Duh..

Jungkook: Well I feel like studying.. (while putting on the movie)

You: You always feel like studying.. Why won't you just live a little..

Jungkook: Hmm~ Let me think about it.... Uhhhhh~.. No.

You: Oh come on stop being a big baby (still eating your potbingsu)

Jungkook: I'm not being a baby..

You: Yes you are.

Jungkook: No I'm not.

You: Yes you are!

Jungkook: Totally am not!

You: Totally are to!

Jungkook: A hundred plus a thousand plus infinity and beyond am not!!!!

[You sat there with your arms crossed and kept looking at him and he kept looking back at you for a while in silence.]

You: Are to!!!!

Jungkook: Gosh You're Annoying...

You: Yes I know.. That's why you love me.. (smiling).. Wait so does that mean you're going to still watch the drama with me?!?

Jungkook:... Uh no..

You: Ugh!!! You're so annoying!

Jungkook: (laughing) I'm just kidding... Geesh calm down..

[You punched Jungkook on his right arm and You both sat in the bed watching Rooftop prince. Jungkook took out his books and studied.]

You: Jungkook? Why aren't you dancing with Jimin oppa and them?? You're good at dancing, you know..

Jungkook: Yeah I know.. I just don't feel like dancing with them..

You: Why? Jimin told me that he asked you but you turned him down..

Jungkook: Cause I just didn't want to dance this year.. Why are you so curious?

You: Cause you always do the talent show.

[Jungkook just shrugged it off and continued studying and you continued watching the movie. Couple hours past and He was still studying.]

Jungkook: Ey, _____? Could you help me with this??

[Jungkook turned to look at you and you fell asleep on his bed next to him.]

Jungkook: (thinking to himself and smiling) She is so cute and pretty in this lighting.. She is very beautiful actually..

[He leaned in to move your hair but you started to move and you woke up and he positioned himself to sit up better while clearing his throat]

Jungkook: You're up..

You: Yeah.. how long did I fall asleep for? (fixing yourself)

Jungkook: I don't know but you snore very loud and you looked ugly.. (lying and starts to chuckle)

You: Shut up! (nudges him).. I think I'm gonna head home now.. (while gathering all your things and walks to the front door)

Jungkook: W-w-why? (following you)

You: Cause you bore me.. (smiles)

Jungkook: Umm.. Alright then.. Uh See you at school tomorrow..

You: (looked at him weird cause he usually says something for a comeback) Okay.. Bye.

Jungkook: Bye..

[You walked out confused and Jungkook closed the door behind him and put his back up against it.]

Jungkook: (breathing hard and heart beating fast) What the heck is going on with me??


Author's Note:

Sorry it's been awhile since I've been updating. I've been busy.  But I hope that you enjoy this fanfic. I will try my best to update more sooner. & sorry this chapter is short. I just wanted to update something to not keep you waiting. Thank you for reading!  Lots of Love!^^

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