Interlude 2: Angels We Have Heard on High

Start from the beginning

Still, I know deep down that I have to try. I can feel an energy shoot through me, setting off every nerve in my body to the point where I am shaking head to toe. I don't know how it is that I am still standing at this point. My head hurts.

Then I see it. Those colorful people. The ones I decided to help. They-they take me back. They return me to that place. I don't want to go back. It hurt and I was scared there. I won't go back. I can't. Not again.

The lady, who had been moving slowly down the street, stops and just looks at me. I'm so scared. I want someone to help, but the only ones who can will just send me back there. I don't know what to do.

The sound in my head intensifies. The sound I hear next is melodic, but not pleasantly so. It sounds like a dozen instruments playing, but in different keys, creating a clashing, but musical sound with each syllable. "It hurts. Stop." Says the noise.

No. It doesn't speak. It's all in my head, but that doesn't mean I'm imagining any of this. I stare for a bit before replying "But you're hurting people." Instead of talking, my own voice echoes in my head.

My voice isn't the melodic clanging though, it's normal. I wonder if it's just her voice that sounds like that. She continues to stare at me. "Do you want your pain to stop?" "Yes please."

"Then let us agree not to do this again. Do you know how to do that?" "No." Even my mental voice is whimpering in pain now. My head is pounding and I am seeing flashes of images too quickly to comprehend. She replies "You avoid me."

I feel cold. I stare at her and nod, my head voice replying "Ok. ...Can you not kill me?" I don't even know why I asked that. I'm still terrified so maybe that's it. Her face still remains apathetic and impassive.

She replies "I won't kill you. I must rest now." I barely manage to reply "Goodbye." Before my legs give out. I feel a rush of wind whipping up my hair as a pair of large arms catch me from behind. They turn me over so I am facing them.

I see a white, featureless face, black eye sockets, and a green hood. The green figure. A man's voice speaks from behind the mask "Are you ok?" The woman in black lands "What are you doing here? Are your parents here?"

The man in blue is behind them, staring at the angel. I glance up to see her disappearing into the clouds. He looks at me and the green one speaks again "I'm Eidolon. What's your name?" My name? What is my name?

Oh! That's right! My name! Maybe, if I tell them what happened, they won't take me back! My mind is racing as I try to form the words. Just as I start the first syllable though, I black out. Even when asleep, I see what is happening.

The man in green picks me up, his arms holding my back and knees. He looks at the other two and they agree to take me to a hospital. The man carrying me keeps looking down at me as they fly. He angrily mumbles something about children.

Did I do something wrong? I don't think I did. I hope he doesn't yell at me. Despite the thickness of his clothes, I can feel heat radiating off of him. He's so warm...and nice...and safe. It reminds of...something. Something I haven't felt in years.

I wake up in a strange room. My head is pounding. I look around to see medical instruments. 'Oh no. Did they take me back?! I have to get out of here!' I scramble to my feet and run to a piece of see-through wall. A window?

That place didn't have those. I open it and look out. I'm on the third floor. I can't afford to go through the door, just in case one of them comes back. I climb into the 'window' and stare at the ground. "Hey! Get away from there!"

I don't bother looking back to see who it is. Instead, I focus on the ground, forcing myself to climb down to the ground in an instant instead of in 10 minutes. 'It got me away from can get me away from here.'

Thankfully, my power works and I am on the ground in an instant. I immediately start running, ignoring how the asphalt, pebbles, and dirt feel on my bare feet. I can hear yelling somewhere behind me.

The city is still in ruins. I don't think I was unconscious for more than an hour. My vision is blurry, so instead, I close my eyes and let my power take over, finding me the best path of escape. I follow it's directions, trusting it to guide me.

I can hear something getting closer. My power shows me that it is one of the colored individuals. Not sure which one though. There's a few timelines where they chase me as pairs, and even less where all three chase me.

I open my eyes and immediately regret doing so. The sun hurts. Also, apparently, this is one of the rare timelines that all three followed me. The one in blue is flying over me, the one in black is flying next to me, and the one in green is running alongside me.

I wonder why he's not flying. It doesn't matter. The man in blue yells at me "Stop running!" "NO!" I yell. I'm not sure why I felt the need to respond, but it hurt so I'm not gonna do it again. The man in green reaches for me, so I force myself forward to the end of the street.

I hear one of them say something like 'what the hell' but I don't care who it is. In an instant, they're next to me again. Oh. They're really fast. Guess I'll have to go on the offensive. I shunt myself forward again, immediately turning around to face them.

I focus on all three of them. I can see the green one, look startled (body language) as I raise my hands, palms facing them. I push against them and I can see them slow down until they stop completely.

They're maybe a foot in front of me. I'm panting, sweating, and I can barely see past the spots in my eyes and the visions. I look at them "I'm sorry." I apologize as I pull them forward, forcing all three to fast-forward past me and out of the city.

I even choose timelines when they split up after leaving. I force myself to fast-forward down another path, away from the green figure and his friends. I run/fast-forward until I can't anymore. I eventually collapse. terrible pain...and so very alone.


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