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*Married Life: First Year*

Since Old Su had personally promised Ansel's grandfather that Ansel will not be mistreated in their home. Ansel was given a private wing inside the Su manor and also a condo outside of the Su Manor.

Supposedly the condo was a wedding gift for both Ansel and Julian to use. However, Julian was nowhere to found after their wedding and remained missing for a few weeks afterwards.

When Julian finally return, Ansel put on a bright smile and welcome him whole heartily, but Julian continued to ignore his existence.

*Six months into the Marriage: inside their condo*

"It has already been six months... I want to consummate our marriage." Ansel stated with a bashful face.

Without bothering to spare Ansel even a glance, Julian coldly scoffed, slipped on his jacket, then headed for the door.

Determined to stop Julian this time, Ansel quickly ran pass Julian and barricaded the door with his whole body.

"We are married now. You are my husband. Shouldn't you want to sleep with me?" Ansel creased his brows as his arms stretched out to block the doorway.

A disgusted expression washed over Julian's face.

"Move." Julian coldly told Ansel

But Ansel remained in place.

"We are husbands now, but we have yet to consummate our marriage. This is not how it's supposed to work." Ansel pouted.

'how it's supposed to work'

Julian scoffed at those words, his gaze darkens

"If you want it that bad, find yourself a pole. I. DONT. FUCK. SLUTS!" Julian enunciated as he narrowed his eyes and emphasized the last words.

Shocked by Julian's words, Ansel widened his burning eyes.

"Move." Ignoring the light tears that have gathered in Ansel's eyes, Julian nudged Ansel aside with his shoe and walked out without looking back.

*1 Year into Marriage*

"...leave a message after the tone." An automated voice prompted

"When are you coming back? I.. Pl..Please call me back, I'll be waiting." Ansel quietly voiced into the machine for the 10th time that day.

­­-- 11:59 PM--

As Ansel stared at the table full of home cooked food and presents, he pushed back the tears bordering his eyes.

"Happy 1 Year anniversary Ansel." Ansel dishearteningly voiced to himself.

* 1 ½ Years into marriage*

"I'm thinking of going to college too?" Ansel nervously told Julian as he laid on the large bed.

"Is X university good? ...I want to go there too?" Ansel said after receiving no response from Julian.

Julian squinted his eyes open and sighed.

"Pick another college." Julian firmly stated then got off the bed and headed straight for the master bath.

Once the door to the master bath was closed, Ansel lowered his head and whispered out, "but I wanted to see you every day."

* 2 Years into Marriage*

"What is this mess?" Julian grimaced as he lightly kicked a white balloon on the ground and stared at the handmade, "CONGRATULATONS" graduation banner hung on the ceiling.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, a smiled appeared on Ansel's face as he rushed forward and popped a streamer.

"Congratulation on graduating!" Ansel cheerfully told Julian.

"arrr, my head" Julian complained as he tried to push down his hang over.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you yesterday, but... you didn't come home. so..." Ansel looked to the ground as he spoked

Seeing Ansel's dejected expression, Julian released a huff of air and then marched over to the table full of cold food.

"Are you going to eat that?! Wait! It's cold, that's not good for you, let me warm it up first." Ansel rushed towards the table of food as he saw Julian pop a cold dumpling into his mouth.

*2 ½ Years into Marriage*

"Here's your lunch." Ansel stood by the door of the condo and held up a neatly packed bag of food.

As Julian silently grabbed the food, Ansel nervously casted his head down and tensely and quietly asked, "do.. what do you think of my cooking?"


"I mean. Uh. Since I have been making you food for a while now I just wanted to know if it's to your liking. Or if there were anything you wanted me to change?" Ansel quickly jumbled out when Julian did not reply to his first question.

Julian stared at Ansel's flustered face and movement for a second, then walked out the door without a word.

*2 Years and 8 Months into Marriage*

"You hired him?!!! How could you. I refuse to accept this. Fire him right away! I want you to fire him right now!!!" Ansel screamed at Julian and pointed his finger angrily towards Xieran, inside of Julian's office.

"Xieran has been my secretary ever since I took over. He's done an amazing job. I have no reasons to let him go. This is my decision and my corporation. If you're just going to continue to cause a scene, leave." Julian firmly told Ansel with a coldly tone.

Slamming his palms on top of Julian's desk, Ansel shouted, "I can be your secretary. I am more qualify than him. The Lim family is extremely successful and good with money. I will be more beneficial than him. Fire him and hire me!"

Looking from Xieran's fearful, whimpering posture in the corner of the large office to Ansel's rough, demanding expression, Julian waved for two buff bodyguards to walk in.

"Take him home and tell security and the front staff that Mr. Lim is prohibited from being near the building's premises." Julian waved his hand in front of Ansel.

Without wasting any time, the two buff guards each gripped one of Ansel's arm.

"You can't do this to me. Julian, I am your husband. You have to choose me, why are you choosing that whore. JULIAN!!!!" Ansel screamed and kicked as he was dragged out of the building and thrown into a dark luxury car.

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