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Some people really annoy me when they don't understand what I tell them. Why am I getting backlash on my Bullied by Finn Wolfhard story... It's fiction, none of it is real.

To address the messages or comments I get:

Finn is 17 int he story, I'm not sexualizing him or anything like that. There's no sex in the story because in real life he's only 15 and still a minor so why are you sending me messages about it? The book has mature themes only because of the violence and death within the story, not all viewers can handle these themes so I had to put the warning in my description.

Secondly, the characters including Finn are 17-18 in the story purely because of these violence and death themes. I didn't feel it was right to make the characters 15 going through all of this death and violence and gory stuff. At age 17-18 they are at least mature enough to understand what's happening.

Thirdly, like I've said it's FICTION I don't think of Finn in this way and I don't hate Finn and I can't believe I even have to explain this. This story is for entertainment purposes only.

I don't understand why I'm receiving messages about the story when there are ACTUAL Finn fanfictions out there where the reader has sex with Finn in full detail, yet those stories are being promoted and praised.

Most of my stories are under the Thriller genre (the only exception is my text story which is just under Fanfiction/Romance) so they WILL have violence and action and death and all of those genre conventions in. It's part of the genre and I've purely chosen this genre for my stories because it's what I personally love to read over any other genre.

My stories may have some romanticization in but purely because my readers want me to put it in and it creates character development. But again, it's not sexualization it's literally just the characters having feelings for each other and kissing at most. I've read stories that are far worse than that, but ok come at me for making the characters JUST kiss.

Once again, I don't understand why people are deciding to message me about all of this for a story that's fiction where I haven't written anything bad.

Thanks for reading.

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