Chapter 15 Training with Sunbaes and A Soulmate Found

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4 days later
Yerin's POV

Today is the day when we go to school and then train in SM afterwards. It's also Chenle day so the rest of NCT and BlackR planned a surprise for him. His soulmate tattoo will appear on his arm, the first name, birthdate and origin of his soulmate. From the start of the day Lucas mentioned that Chenle was so excited but didn't show it because he thought that NCT forgot his birthday. It's funny to know that Chenle doesn't know what's gonna hit him. After finishing my morning routine, I go downstairs to see Hyoyoo on her phone. "What woke you up so early?" I asked. "Woke up. Couldn't sleep anymore. Go down. Play phone" she replied shortly. "Come on let's make breakfast" I said and she just nodded and followed me to the kitchen. "You know.. I think we should start writing the song. I mean it's 2 months before our debut!" Hyoyoo suddenly says. "We'll ask if we're going to write it later on." I said and we continued cooking.

Not long after the food is done, Hayeon and Eunhwa both came down from the stairs. "Let's eat!" Eunhwa said immediately and we chuckled before eating. We finished the food and cleaned up before heading towards the door for school. We just keep on talking and talking about our said to be debut. To say that we're excited would be an understatement. The introduction video was dropped yesterday and luckily it got positive responses so that's done. We're actually about to have our final tests at school so we need to study hard. Basically, I would be the only one studying all the time while they sometimes play around but yeah. The only subjects being tested are Korean, Mathematics, English, Chinese, and Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics). I can say that the lessons tested aren't that hard so we're safe. We arrive at school and everyone started clapping for us. We were confused by the sudden applause when Principal Kim approached us.

"Great job on your first introduction video. When are you going to debut if I may know?" Principal Kim said. "In around 2 months actually" Hayeon said. "Woahhhh" the whole hall said. "Good luck then" the Principal bid his goodbye and left. "For the final test you guys better teach me algebra" Hayeon suddenly said. "Yeah yeah" Hyoyoo said. "Pay attention in your math class kid" Eunhwa said teasingly. "You're the maknae, who are you calling kid?" Hayeon retorts. "Okay don't fight don't fight" I said frustrated with their act.

Actually, our first lesson is math so Hayeon is going to have to pay attention well. I chuckled at this thought and they all look at me weirdly. "Has Hyoyoo's craziness infected you that much?" Eunhwa asked and Hyoyoo glares at her. "No I just thought of something" I said. "That's what she would say" Hayeon said pointing to her cousin. Then, the teacher, Mr. Min comes in and we start our review on the materials which in this case is algebra.

Hayeon was literally sulking through the whole lesson, mumbling things between the lines of 'I hate math' and 'this is so hard'. It was amusing to say the least and Eunhwa and Hyoyoo also thought the same. After 2 hours, we finish our lessons and head towards the cafeteria for lunch. "Umm excuse me?" someone suddenly says. "Yes?" I answered. "I'm actually new here so can I have a tour after you finish your lunch?" she asks. "Sure.. wait Jade eonnie?" Hyoyoo asked. "Do I kno- wait Clairine?" she asked. "Do you know each other?" Hayeon asked. "Yeah.. well know yes but we haven't met yet. She's the Belgian one you know?" Hyoyoo said. "Ohhhh that one... okay hi my name is Eunhwa, English name Madeline" Eunhwa introduced herself. "Yerin, English name Vivien" I said. "Hayeon, English name Chelsea" Hayeon said. "Jade, nice to meet you guys" Jade said. "What are you doing here eonnie?" Hyoyoo asked.

"I got accepted in JYP from the audition I attended back in Belgium. So right now I'm here at my new school" she said. "Ohhh.. so you're gonna meet Sarah eonnie then" Hyoyoo said again. "Yeah hopefully, oh Sarah actually has a free day today so she's coming here. I texted her already" Jade said. "Really?" Hayeon asked. "Yea duh.. that's why I'm here" a new voice said. We turn our heads to see the said Sarah. "Pleasant to meet you eonnie" Hyoyoo greeted. "Fancy meeting you too" Sarah replied following the act. "Stop it you two, wanna have a tour of the school as well since Jade eonnie is coming?" I asked. "Sure!" Sarah replied. "Okay then let's go!" Eunhwa said.

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