A Pirate's Life is the One for Me {Dark!Pirate!Spain}

Start from the beginning

Edward Newgate was his real name.  You were _____ Newgate; proud owner of the Grand Line Restaurant.

At the moment, the sun was going down. You had just closed up for the day, and were returning to the kitchen to finish chopping up carrots for tomorrow’s chicken soup special. “I wonder when my shipments will be here…” You wondered aloud as you sliced up and down the cutting board.

As if on cue, you noticed a delivery truck pull into the back of your restaurant. “Oh, just on time.” Through the window, you saw the delivery man drop off some boxes and then proceed to leave. Still holding the kitchen knife, you stepped outside to retrieve your crates of fresh vegetables. You’d need the knife for opening the boxes and storing their contents in the outside refrigerator.

Just as you’d opened the backdoor, you caught sight of two human-shaped silhouettes. You paused, and squinted into the night. Shrouded in shadows, there were two people—attempting to steal your shipments of tomatoes! “Hey, you there!” You shouted, instantly pointing your knife-wielding hand towards the thieves, “Give those back!”

Jumping up like frightened squirrels, one of them turned to the other and whisper-shouted, “...RUN, DAMMIT!”

Your ears picked up on the command. No way were you going to allow those two bozos to steal your crates! “Stop, you thieves!” You yelled and—without hesitating—began to chase after them. “Gimme back my tomatoes!”

Screeching in fear, they continued to retreat as fast as they could. Surprisingly, they were still pretty quick for carrying heavy boxes of vegetables.

“AHHH—WHITE FLAG, WHITE FLAG!” One of them screamed, voice high-pitched—as if already crying.

No, you idiot! We have to take these back to the damn captain!” The other shouted, both still zigzagging through the houses and down the island’s cobblestone streets.

Now illuminated by the streetlamps, you’d noticed one of them was in a white sailor uniform and the other was wearing a navy blue-and-white striped bandana over his head, a black vest, and a white dress shirt underneath. “She’s still chasing us!”

The other whined, “Do something, fratello!”

“Like what? I can’t!”

“Then why did Tony make you first mate?!”

“Because I’m the best, dammit!”

“Ve, th-then why can’t you stop this girl?”

The other thief glanced over his shoulder at you, while you took the opportunity to flash your weapon. “…B-Because she’s scary!”

The one in the sailor uniform looked back as well, and after a moment, cried out: “SH-SHE’S GOT A KNIIIIIIFE!”

You chased them all the way down to the harbor, hot on their trails. A few tomatoes dropped out of the crates by accident, but they didn’t dare to stop and pick them up. “Get back here!” You weren’t about to give up when you’d gotten this far.

They scurried down the wooden dock towards what appeared to be an enormous pirate ship. It was anchored to the pier, but the presence wasn’t out of the ordinary. After all, you lived on a popular island and pirates often passed through here.

The one with the apparent title of ‘First Mate’ somehow made it up to the safety of the ship, while the other wasn’t so lucky. “F-Fratello! Help m-” The one in the sailor uniform had been having trouble climbing the rope while carrying the crate. He’d quickly lost his balance and fell into the water with a loud SPLASH.

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