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  My life has sucked since I had never met my real parents. All I know about my parents is their names. My mom's name is Rachael and my dad's name is Nick. I wish I could meet them. My adopted mother-Sara, is worried about me meeting her because she thinks that I will have high exceptations for her. I think that's a bunch of crap. I hate having to wake up from Emily being to loud every morning. My adopted dad -Ross is just plain annoying. He always tries talking to me so he can get to know me. I tell him to get a life. Now, I'm walking out of algebra. This tall boy with almost black hair and broad shoulders bumped into me. I look up at him and say "Next time, watch where you're going." He just laughed at me. He said "Nice to meet you to Avianna." I said "How do you know my name?" He said "They said it over the announcements on your first day. I'm Andy." I thought "Oh here we go. Now he is trying to impress me." I said "Bye Andy." I walked quickly to my spanish class. She couldn't believe how he just flirted with her with no problem. She thought he was very mysterious.  Avianna walked to the middle of the class and sat down at the desk next to the window. She saw Andy walk into her class and he sat in the back. She thought "Of course he's in my spanish class. I forgot about that." The teacher wasn't writing the spanish words right on the board. I hate this class. I just want it to be over. I looked back and saw Andy talking to this boy with brown shaggy hair. His name is Brendon. All the girl's go crazy over him. I don't. I turned back up to the front and finished my assignment. I got up from my desk right when the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and walked out of that awful room. I headed towards my locker when I got stopped. Andy said "Why are you ignoring me?" I said "Maybe because I don't really know you."  Andy smirked. I said "What?" He said "I can tell you that you don't like talking to people." I said "You know nothing about me except my name. Who are you anyway? Andy said "This is Brendon." I looked over at him and smiled. Brendon said "It's nice to meet you." I said "You too." Andy said "I think we should go." Brendon walked up to me and said "Can I get your number so I can text you or something?" I nodded and said "Yeah." I gave him my number. I can't believe I just did that. I really don't want to drag him into my life. I can tell Andy likes me. I kind of like him back. It's so frustrating.

Tears of the Broken.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon