Present Tense

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"Ok, we should probably get up now." You said as you noticed someone approaching in your peripheral vision. "People might assume some things."
Minho snickered. "Would that be such a bad thing?" He asked. You punched him. Hard. "Shut. Your. Face." You growled. He laughed. "Or what?" He chuckled again. Your face got red as you stared him down. "Or I just might push you back over the rail." He looked at you with a sardonic expression. "Wouldn't that be a little counterproductive? You know, considering the fact that you just saved my life?"
You glared at him. If only looks could kill... You thought angrily.
Finally, Minho collapsed under the pressure. "Okay Greenie. You da boss." He said, just as Thomas walked past. The brunette boy's face paled at his words.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You asked as both of you watched Thomas walk away. Minho laughed. "Nothing. Just a little something I said in the glade once." He smiled again. "Thanks, again, for helping me. Today was worse than First Day."
You didn't know what First Day was, but you smiled anyway. "Anything for a friend." Both of you grinned as you looked out over the endless sea, a sea that seemed to churn with possibility at the thought of paradise. "To Newt!" You laughed, smiling at the fact that you could say his name without having a break-down. Sure it might still be shock, but who cared? Minho gave you a look. "We don't have anything to toast with, genius." He said. You laughed. "Just pretend we do. Newt wouldn't care would he?" You asked, looking up to the sky. "Okay, fine." Minho laughed. "To Newt!" He screamed, causing a few pelicans to scatter. You grinned, knowing that WCKD had lost. Even with the amount they had taken, you had still made it to paradise, and they could never truly take Newt. He was still as much a part of you as he had been at the Palace, maybe even more. "You really love him, don't you?" Minho asked, and you smiled at his use of the present tense.
"Yeah," you sighed, "I really do."

Ok guys, please don't hate me but I think that may be the last chapter😭😿
I can't believe the amount of support I have gotten on this and I can't thank you enough. I never thought that it would get this far and I am so happy that it did! Creds to the incredible author of The Maze Runner, Mr James Dashner, for the quote, "Okay, Greenie. You da boss." It is officially one of my favorite quotes. I also would like to let you all know that I am going to make some changes to some things at the beginning of the book. It has been brought to my attention that they fell in love a bit fast, and I agree. When I first started this fanfiction (my first ever fanfiction at that) I never planned for it to last more than a few chapters. It was supposed to end after "Please,Tommy. Please." I'm going to do my best to let them fall in love on their own pace, I just thought I'd let you all know so you don't get confused. If you have any ideas for things I could add/remove/change, please, please, please let me know! I would love to hear them and will give you full credit for the idea! That being said, please watch out for roses and keep on running.

See ya later, Gladers!

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