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You got to the edge of the city, to the part of the wall that Malachi had shown you. You found the weak spot and crawled through, shuddering at the thought of how many lives you were risking. You're saving a lot more, you reminded yourself.
You pulled at your jacket to make sure it covered your wrist and neck. If anyone tested you for the Flare, you'd be a goner. Suddenly, you saw an official. "Excuse me sir, but there is an emergency. I was playing near the edge of the wall when I noticed a weak spot. I went over to see what it was because I want to be a scientist one day and I saw a bunch of cranks coming this way. They looked scary." You did your best to sound childish, knowing your small stature would make you look a lot younger than you actually were. The official looked alarmed and ran off towards what you assumed was WCKD headquarters. You snuck back around to the weak spot, but it was too late. The cranks had arrived. You ran away, hiding in the shadows between buildings for what seemed like hours. The chaos you saw in the streets nauseated you. Anger rose in your chest, searing, white hot, scarring your throat. You let loose an involuntary scream.
A few cranks stood nearby, devouring a dead human like the cannibals of ancient times. They looked up when they heard your scream and started running towards you. As you ran away, you heard a scream that you recognized. Your heart dropped. Newt.
You changed course, running towards that awful sound. When you came to the end of a narrow alley, you stopped. There, in the middle of the street, Newt was fighting with the brown haired boy who had come to visit him in the Crank Palace. There were times when Newt seemed to regain his sanity, and in those moments he seemed to beg his friend to shoot him. "Please, Tommy, Please." Newt said. The boy named Tommy looked up and saw you. You could see his eyes begging for you to tell him what to do. Newt didn't notice, but you did, and those begging eyes brought back a single memory:

You traced your finger along the neckline of his shirt, wincing when you saw how far the poison in his blood had reached. Pulling away from him, you looked at the blackened veins in your own shoulders and arms. "We haven't got much time left." Newt whispered, the slightest hint of fear in his voice. "I need you to promise me something, Y/N."
You looked at him carefully. "Anything." You finally answered.
He sighed. "You don't understand. I'm further gone than you are. It happened again last night, one of those bloody shucking spells where I completely forget myself. You must've been dead asleep, but somehow I woke up at 2:00 a.m. in the middle of the woods with a dead rabbit in my hands. I killed it.
Y/N, I'm close to passing the gone. I don't know how I know, but somehow I can feel it. I'm going to pass the gone soon, and when I do, you're going to shoot me before I can hurt anyone. You understand? I need you to promise me."
You shook your head. "I can't. I love you too much."
"You have to." He said, piercing your soul with his gaze. "There's no other way."

You remembered nodding after he said that. You remember the feel of his lips on yours after you nodded. Looking back into Tommy's dark eyes you nodded, once again. 'Do it.' You mouthed. Tommy looked devastated and returned his attention to Newt continued to talk and, although you could not hear them, you could tell he was saying something that really hurt Tommy. You could see the dark haired boy stop listening as he raised the gun. You didn't stop listening, though, and you were the only person who heard Newt's last words. "Tell Y/N I love her."

Ok, soooo, I'm in tears. Sorry that this was so sad, but I can't bring myself to change the book. The next chapter will probably be the last, so brace yourselves! Don't forget to comment and vote!
See ya later, Gladers!

When The Glue Dried: A Newt FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now