“Yes, dodging the pack tramps and players is always fun.” I chuckle as she shakes her head ruefully.

She heads off into the crowd behind the pack house. I give the crowd a quick scan looking for Marcus and Celine. I don't see them so I head for the food. What, I'm a growing boy. I sit down with my plate of food. I'm half finished when Celine sits down next to me. She bumps my shoulder smiling but the smile is strained. That's when I notice Brian is not with her. I can't help but frown.

“Where's Brian hun?” Yes I call her pet names.

“He's with Marcus and Bella.” A frown creases her brow.

“Okay hun, but what’s eating at ya?”

“It's Bella. She's acting all sweet and innocent. She has her dad wrapped around her finger. She's snowballing the alpha and luna. Marcus doesn't know her like me and Brian do, so he's buying her act and I think Brain's falling for it to.”

“Could it be possible that she really has changed?”

“Forgive me for using a cat reference, but a leopard doesn’t change its spots, at least not over night they don't.”

“Is it the whole claiming to be Marcus's mate thing that's bugging you?”

“Oh she wishes she was but she's not. Cause if she was then she would already be sporting Marcus's mark by now.”

“So she's not his mate.” I shrug my shoulder as if that's the end of it.

“But Tom if she keeps on saying it. How long will it take until it becomes fact. Under this act she's putting on I know she only cares about herself, she will destroy anyone who gets in her way. I pity her mate because she will not love him. And Goddess help Marcus's mate. Mark my works, Tom.”

After that we chit chat for a bit. I finish off my plate of food, Brian walks up and claims his mate with a smile. I tell them I will see them in a bit. I head for the pack house because nature is calling and it's not for a run in the woods.

I pick up a hit of a scent. I can't quite place it, but it smells divine. She's here. our mate is here. All thoughts of using the bathroom disappear.

The pack house is all but empty with the party going on outside. I walk the hallways of the pack house searching for the other half of my soul. I find her coming out of a room near Brian and Celines.

“Mate.” I breath.

She’s tall. I would say five foot ten. Her hair is honey blonde; it's in a braid that fall's half way down her back. Her eyes are a sky blue at midday. Her skin looks porcelain smooth with a light tan. She has a delicate nose and sultry lips that are meant to be kissed, and her curves are to die for.

What I don't notice while I'm staring at her with love and adoration, is the look of disgust in her eyes as she looks me over.

She Rejected MeWhere stories live. Discover now