Chapter 5

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Edited by BizarreSmalls

Chapter 5

I step up to the valet booth outside the hotel. I take a deep breath of the cool night air. Faith didn't find her mate, so I escorted her to her room. There was a little drama on the way there, but we got it sorted out quick enough.

I hand my ticket off to the valet and wait for him bring my car around. I look up into the night sky as I wait. I've always been enchanted by the stars. Looking at them has always helped me calm down and focus. My car pulls up in front of me. To think I just got it and I will be leaving it behind. I get behind the wheel and drive away from hotel.

The drive to the pack house only takes forty five minutes from the hotel. I step out of the car and look up at the pack house and its multiple stories. The last time I set foot inside it she rejected me.I take a deep breath and square my shoulders and walk up to the front door.

Before I even reach the door it open's. The current Oakwood Alpha pair are standing there waiting for me. Marcus takes after his father in height, build, and hair color but he gets his eyes from his mother. She is a head shorter than her mate. With light brown hair and lightly tanned skin. She gives me a warm gentle smile.

At her smile I feel something start to give. No I can't give. I do my best to close down inside. She notices and the smile fades away. I've come too far to back out now.

"Come in Thomas we can talk in my office." The Alpha says casually.

I nod and follow him into the pack house. The Luna follows behind me. I get a sinking feeling in my gut. It was going to be bad enough getting through this with just the alpha but if the Luna sits in on this too, I don't know if I will be able to hold it together if she's stays. The alpha leads me to his office and motions for me to take a seat. I notice a wrapped bundle on his desk as the Luna takes a seat on his right side. Once again the goddess is shitting on me. I sit and keep my eyes down. The alpha coughs making me look at him.

My gaze moves between the two. I can see Marcus in both his parents even more now than earlier. The Luna is about five and a half feet tall, with I have to admit a figure that still turns heads. Her hair is a lighter shade of brown than her mate and son.

"Why do you want to become a ronin Thomas? I know your written request said you wanted to find yourself. Now I want to know the real reason your want to leave us." The Alpha pins me with his stare. Any other time I would of blurted it out in a heartbeat, but now just nothing.

"I want to travel and find myself." My voice is steady and I hold his gaze. This I believe surprises the Alpha.

"By the goddess you are a lot like your father when he was young." I wince when he says goddess, I hope they don't notice.

"How do you know I'm like my father when he was young?" The Luna laugh's as the Alpha hides a smile behind his hand.

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