Chapter 8: The Field Trip

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It's been almost 2 years since Mario and Meggy started school together. They are now both 8 years old and in the 2nd grade.

Toadsworth kept following this friendship around, making tape after tape of Mario and Meggy together.

For Desti, she's in the same grade and gets into arguments with Meggy sometimes, but Mario steps in to defend Meggy always.

A special day was coming for everyone. A field trip.

The new teacher (who I'm not even bothered to name) told every kid the news a week before it happened.

Teacher: Kids. We have a special day next week. We're gonna go on a field trip.

Mario (thoughts): Ugh. Do I have to get some exercise?

Random Student 1: Where are we going?

Teacher: We're gonna go to a camp near some woods.

Meggy: That sounds fun.

Everyone wrote and handed in their permission slips (with Mario being the last one because he knew writing the least), and the day happened a week later.

Meggy: Are you excited, Mario?

Mario: Yeah... sure, I'm excited.

Meggy: Something wrong, Mario?

Mario: No. Nothing, Meggy. We're gonna have a good time.

Mario didn't want to just walk around, or to exercise in his terms.

Toadsworth was still watching what's going on via cap cam.

Toadsworth: If it's about exercise, then you need it, Mario. Just walk.

The kids all went on the bus to go to the camp. After 30 minutes, they arrived and got off the bus.

As the camp counsellor was doing his opening speeches, Desti gave Meggy some dirty looks, waiting for some revenge.

While they were given a tour walking around the camp, Desti was waiting to be alone so she can get her chance to strike at Meggy.

As the tour ended, the kids were given a chance to do whatever they want here until the day is done. A few minutes later, Desti got a little close to Meggy, grabbed her headphones, and ran away with them.

Meggy: Hey! Come back here with those!

Mario followed Meggy after noticing she was chasing Desti into the woods. They all ran long into the woods until Desti decides to drop Meggy's headphones and run very quickly out of the forest, leaving Mario and Meggy lost.

Meggy: Well, I got them back. Let's go back to the camp.

Mario: Wait. Which direction did we come from again?

They walked farther into the woods later coming to the realization that they're lost.

Mario: Where is the camp?

Meggy: Don't you even remember? You came in seconds behind me. You gotta remember.

Mario: Uh... I...

Meggy: You don't. We're lost. It's hopeless.

Mario: Don't you worry, Meggy. We might find a way out soon.

After walking for a while, they came across some light behind the trees in a certain direction.

Mario: This has gotta be the way out.

They ran to the light, only to discover they're at the wrong area. It looked more like a swamp with a big tree stump as a house.

Meggy: This isn't the camp, Mario. We gotta turn back.

Before they turned around, somebody came out of the house. It was a green ogre with weird ears and had a Scottish accent.


They both ran away very fast from it, but the ogre didn't bother with chasing as he didn't see them before they ran.

???: And stay out!

As they were running, Meggy tripped over on a branch and hurt her knee. Mario didn't want to leave her here so he wanted to help.

Mario: I got you, Meggy.

He picked her up and carried her while running, as they saw some kids behind the trees.

Meggy: The camp. We're safe.

Mario ran out of the woods with Meggy still in his arms as the teacher called saying it's time to go back on the bus.

Meggy: Thanks for saving me back there. We would've been founded by that monster there.

Mario: You're welcome, Meggy. You do know that Desti is the one to blame for this whole mess, right?

Meggy: Yes, Mario. I really hate Desti so much.

They, along with all the other kids, got back on the bus and drove back home.

Present Day

Meggy: I wonder who that green monster we were getting chased by looked like.

Mario then got flashbacks of his history with that ogre.

Meggy: Mario? Are you okay there?

Mario: Let's just... continue the story please?

That's another chapter done. I know you can't wait for what's next. See you later.

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