Chapter 4: Riding On the Bus

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Credit to Marioxspetti for the image.

It's been 2 years since Mario and Meggy became friends. Toadsworth wasn't sure of putting Mario in school because he was mostly stupid.

Toadsworth: Mario. As you may know, today's your very first day of school. I don't think you'll be mentally prepared for this. Are you sure you can handle it?

Mario: Uh... I don't know.

Toadsworth: That's what I'm talking about. I've put you in school so you can just get a little smart. I just hope you learn about many things and not mess it up. You have this kind of life for over 12 years, son. I hope that your first day goes well.

Mario: I'll make you proud, dad. Goodbye.

Toadsworth: See you after school, Mario.

Luigi: Where's Mario going?

Toadsworth: He's off to school. It's something that you don't come to for another year or so.

Luigi was a year younger than Mario, so he couldn't go to school yet.

Just as Luigi went out of the room and Mario went outside the house to wait for the bus, Toadsworth walked to his computer and turned the camera on. He installed a secret camera in Mario's cap so it would follow Mario's every movements. Toadsworth hoped that Mario would do well at school without being stupid ever since a year before school started.

As Mario went on the bus, he saw that half of the seats are filled, but only one seat caught his attention.

Meggy was on the seat, with nobody beside her. Mario wanted to keep her company and decides to sit next to her.

Meggy: Oh, hey Mario.

Mario: Hi, Meggy. You seem to be alone.

Meggy: Yeah. Ever since I moved here, a ton of people were looking at me and most of them didn't want to be beside me.

Mario: Is it because you're...

Meggy: Yes. It's because I'm half-squid.

Mario: Well, I'm your friend. And friends don't leave other friends sad and lonely. I'll be right beside you.

Meggy: Thanks, Mario. You're a great friend.

Mario: You're welcome, Meggy.

Meggy: I know I can't show my other form while in public, but if it's something you like, then...

Meggy turned into squid form.

Meggy: ...I'll do it.

Mario: Whenever you become a squid, that makes me like you even more.

Mario then cuddled with Meggy again, making both of them more happy.

A random kid got on the bus and thought Meggy was an orange squid toy.

Random kid: Hey kid. The first day isn't show and tell day. Don't bring your toys to school.

Meggy: *turns back to normal* Stop mocking me.

That made the kid scream and run to a chair far away from her and Mario.

Mario: Well, no matter what happens, I'll be there.

Meggy: Let's hope I'll feel better by the end of the day.

Mario: Same with me too. My dad wanted me to not do bad at school.

Meggy: Well, best of luck to you, Mario.

Mario: And... best of luck to you too, Meggy.

Toadsworth was watching what was happening via the camera.

Toadsworth: He's doing good so far. Let's hope he does as well for the rest of the day.

Present Day

Meggy: Even back then, you helped me out when I needed it. Thank you.

She kissed Mario on the cheek for what he did many years ago.

SMG4: Beautiful.

Fishy Boopkins: Just as all things should be with these two.

Mario: Uh, Luigi? How did you know about me and Meggy on the bus?

Luigi: I spied on Toadsworth who had the camera in your cap on his computer.

Mario: Okay. Question that probably all of you were asking in your head solved. Let's continue with the first day, shall we, Luigi?

Luigi: Gladly.

The very first day of school is the next chapter in this story. We'll focus on the more important stuff as the chapters throughout the story.

Also, weren't Mario and Meggy just adorable together on the bus?

See you in the next chapter.

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