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Ah boys can't live with them, can't live without em'. Yeah some of you may disagree and say Chelsea (that's my name) guys suck. Yes Yes they do but that only means you keep finding the burnt cookies in the batch wow o.O that was a terrible analogy. Anyways. Back to the point. (Yes I know I tend to get off topic)


here it goes you guys *drum rolls* Is always a dick in the beginning and has a very sudden change of heart because of ONE girl. It wouldn't aggravate me if it wasn't every single story. What's this guy's problem anyway? I mean really??really bro? the first day they meet there mate they automatically reject them in ALL the stories. Well not all if they don't reject the girl at first it's like you must make him the creepiest man ever.

-A lot of guys mostly alphas are the epitome of an abusive boyfriend, and the writer just makes the girl go on falling in love with this man child that throws her away in a dungeon for talking back, when usually it's because he said or did something stupid that I'm guessing is normal alpha behavior< that always makes me so angry because im a very opinionated person. What I don't understand is how anyone can kidnap a person (and by person I mean normal human being) and expect them to be all lovey dovey. I would probably end up getting myself locked away forever. FUCK the tiny sparks I feel when he man handles me into a van, he's kidnapping me he took me away from my home unwillingly, I have every right to be bitchy. Be glad I didn't roundhouse kick you in your "beautiful ocean blue eyes"

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