Slut Shaming

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Ok so I get it sometimes girls can be the worse and it sucks, buuut dont slut shame.
I see it all the time in stories. Main girl character sees girl (who is most likely wanting her man) she describes what shes wearing like its Medusa herself that walked in. 'She wore a sultry short skirt, that barely covered her ass and a tight shirt that showed her tits off' or 'she had makeup caked on her face' I mean obviously you can tell this main character really doesnt like said girl by the hate but where's the character development? Also whats actually wrong with makeup and tight clothes?
Just sayin....Theirs other ways my peoples. I wanna see other emotions! You caaan dooo it! Use your real life experience. For example anxiety(maybe she sees this other girl and is actually anxious the guy would want her more), maybe a story where the guy isnt a complete butt to the other girl because of her looks.

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