"I could ask you the same thing."

"Just a snack." she wiggled the bag of cheese.

"Oh okay. I'm just thirsty you know."

"Okay." She sat on the counter with her hand in the cheese bag.

"Want some?" She offered the bag to me so I took some and flicked some at her.

"it's raining cheese." she laughed and threw her head back trying to eat some. I joined her on the counter.

She flicked some cheese in my direction.

"Hey!" I whisper yelled.

"You got a little, something right there." she giggled and pointed to my nose. I rubbed at my nose.

"Is it gone?"

"Nope. Hang on." she went to the fridge and place the cheese back in its compartment. I looked at the clock. 1:45

"Liam." I turned to her then it hit me.

A big dollop of cool whip hit my nose.

"It's still there." she came back with the tub and two forks.

I had accidentally threw all of the spoons out of the window. Oops.

"So Liam. What's the real reason your up?" I watched as she shoveled a huge forkful of the cool whip into her mouth.



He mumbled at mega speed while wiping the whip off of his nose.

"It was just a movie." I smiled at him. "Now help me finish off this practically empty tub over maybe, I don't know a toy story movie." I shrugged my shoulders and his face brightened up.

We popped in the movie and ate the rest of the very delicious cool whip.

Liam POV

After about thirty minutes of the movie, Nai fell asleep. She must have been really tired because one minute she was watching the movie and the next she was knocked out.

I clicked the movie off and picked her up. In response, she wrapped her arms around my neck. I took her to her room and peeked inside. Lou was sprawled out on the bed. I decided to take her to my room and laid her down on my bed. I laid down beside her and tried to fall asleep.

Oww!!! She just kicked me off the bed again! I groaned and got up for the third time that night. I pushed her over to the side of the bed so I could get back on.


I opened my eyes. I wasn't in my room. I turned over and noticed a sleeping Liam. I wonder if I could use his shower. I crept to the linen closet and pulled out a towl and a wash cloth before creeping back to Liam's room.

After, I Locked the bathroom door, I stepped inside and turned the shower on. After thoroughly removing all of the dirt from my body, I shaved and the washed my face. Hmm. Should I wash my hair? I smelled a few strands and decided to wash it. Crap and pumpernickel! My shampoo is in Lou's and my bathroom. After surveying my surroundings, I decided on an axe men's shampoo that smelt like a very, very strong men's cologne. Ech. Well of Liam uses it... His hair does smell good... I squirted a large amount in my hand and lathered my hair up. This stuff does smells nice. Now what to do with my hair today.

Ooh a flat iron! After looking for a blow dryer and finally succeeding, I blow dried my hair then straightened it and finally put it in a high bun.

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