Chapter 13: Smoke and Mirrors

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Luna stirred from her sleep to see that she didn't just have a nightmare. She and Scott were kidnapped by Kate Argent and she was actually there, alone and scared, in that bone filled pit. 

But as she looked around, she saw that something was different. The door was opened. She moved and pushed it back and left the cell. She calmly called out for Scott as she slowly made her way through the dark tunnels. But there was no sign of anyone and she didn't hear anything.

Luna got to the corridor where she detected something moving up ahead. She backed away but froze when she had bumped into a Berserker behind her. She screamed just as it grabbed her and started to attack her.

It thrust her into a wall, over and over, until her head was bleeding. Luna knew she didn't have a chance at getting away, but she had to do something. She grabbed at the thing's arm but her eyes widened when she saw that there was a familiar set of bands marked in them. 

She then looked and could make out a set of brown eyes through the skull that she knew so well. This was her boyfriend, Scott McCall. 


But before he could hurt her again, a howl echoed through the tunnel. Scott the Berserker, then dragged her off and dropped her off to the center of the room. He then stood at a corner as Kate Argent stepped into the light.

"I'm going to have to do a better job of covering that up," she said as she looked at Scott's exposed tattoo. 

"What did you do to him?" Luna gasped.

"How, that's the better story," Kate then began circling around Luna. "See, when I first got away from the Calaveras, I had no idea where to go. But something kept pulling me here. To the Temple of Tezcatlipoca. His name means Smoking Mirror and this place is a temple of a smoking mirror." 

She then went over to a wall and made claw marks into the dust of the wall. "Obsidian," she explained. "When I got here I found the Berserkers waiting for me. They helped me survive and I didn't quite know why until just recently when I decided to trust someone I never thought I would trust. It was then that I found that I could not only control the Berserkers," Kate moved over to where Scott was still standing, still as a statue, awaiting for her command. "But I could create them. They call me La Loba, the bone woman. We let you out because I needed to test his loyalty."

"What?" Luna gasped. She realized that her chance of an escape had all been a setup.

Kate let a chuckle loose. "Did you know that Scott became an Alpha without having to kill anyone for it?" Luna scoffed. "Yes I did know. I was there."

A loud smack sounded throughout the room and Luna winced as she felt the stinging pain in her left cheek. Kate had just slapped her. 

"Don't interrupt me!" Kate barked before circling around Luna again. "Now as I was saying. Scott has been through quite a lot without ever having to kill. I think it's time to change that." 

Luna looked over at Scott to see him reach into his belt and pulled out a boned claw before he made his way over to her. Luna shook her head and started crying. "Scott, no!" Luna said trying to pull him back to his senses.

But he went and drove it into her stomach, his eyes not blinking as he watched her start bleeding out in front of him.


Luna was thrown back into the bone pit. Her hand immediately went to the wound on her stomach as she tried to slow the bleeding down. Kate had only wanted Scott to stab her once and leave her to slowly bleed herself out in the dark.

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