Chapter 30

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I was just sitting in the bed in the nurses office, waiting for my mom. When I was just sitting in a room all alone with posters on the wall. 'Protect yourself' and 'Don't Do drugs' and of course the 'teen pregnancy' posters were on the walls. Which I found to be insanely hilarious. Then the phone rang, the nurse walked to in and picked in up. She hung up and turned to me "Your mom is here to pick you up." The nurse said to me. I nodded and walked to the office.
"Que paso mi Raiña?" My mom asked me looking concerned.
"I feel sick and I threw up." I tell her frowning, I hate being sick.
"Ok let's go home." My mom said after signing me out. I nodded and walked to the car with her.
"Raiña, is there a possibility you could be pregnant?" My mom asked me looking at me disappointingly.
"No. Mom I'm a virgin, you know that." I said to her kinda angry she would ask that.
"Are you sure?" My mom asked me.
"I'm sure." I tell her rolling my eyes.

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