forbidden chap4

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"damn it Abbel stay out of this ..god why does you cousin have to be so protective i can take care of myself yah know " i get up grabbing onto the wall to walk"he just doesn't want to lose you or anything to happen to you he cares for you a lot yah know" i blush after Avery finish's his sentence "i know he does i just wish he would cool it sometime I'm a tough girl and we both know that"he chuckles smiling at me helping me walk around. he picks me up bridal style when we get to the stairs. Avery and i listen closely as we are making our way down stairs"you don't deserve her u heartless bastered" Abbel's yells growling more "oh shut up you fucking fag if you wanted her that badly you should of purposed to her before she got engaged" Dante reply's in a monotone voice with a bit of annoyance in it .Avery trips on the bottom step not paying attention he lands face first on the ground me on the other hand some how landed in Dante's warm muscular arm he doesn't seem to mind this position i stare up at his face still a lil in awe about what just happens. what is this Dante is smirking and holding me a little tighter but not to much were it would hurt me,he is trying to piss Abbel off and it seems to be working. i growl at what a bitch hes being ,he looks down at me when he hears me "I'm sorry i was acting that way to u hunny i know we have differences but we need to get past them and our relationship would be a lot better " he says in the most fake-est sincere voice i have ever heard but Abbel and Avery don't seem to notice this. Dante leans down i wonder what he is bout to do i just stay up not moving until his lips meet mine. i couldn't help but melt a little bit, his lips are soft and warm and happen to some how taste like cherry's. AHH HES KISSING ME... WAIT WHY AM I NOT STOPPING HIM. he pulls away when Elliot kicks him and Abbel goes to punch him, Elliot pulls me away and hugs me i smiles patting his back"I'm so sorry miss i... will you ever forgive me"he looks so fragile i couldn't help but say yes,he grins cuddling me "thank u miss .... your so nice my i stay with you ...that is if its ok with you" he looks down not daring to look me in the eyes "of course i don't mind u can stay with me in my room while we make you a bed room if that's ok with.." I'm stopped in the middle off my sentence because i hear a loud crash and a booming on the door. Dante and Abbel seem to be fighting and Avery try's to stop them but goes and gets the door.the boys stop fighting to see who it is."well well little brother don't you know how do go anywhere with starting shit what a sham"a unfamiliar voice says walking in the door"yah Dis right you act like a damn fool everywhere you go its kind of embarrassing to call you our brother" another male voice says"aw come on guys lay off your little brother yall cause trouble too" a female voice says..i stare a three tall people two guy which look like to be identical twins and a female that looks a awful like Dante I'm guessing this our my in-laws aka Dante's older siblings. Dante growls rolling his eyes letting go of Abbel standing up kicking his side. OHHHH I SWEAR IF I COULD MOVE I WOULD KICK HIS ASS RIGHT ABOUT NOW!. "what do yall want and how did yall find me " Dante asks clearly annoyed now he know how i feel about him i giggle quietly but i guess they hear me .all eyes are on my i've never felt so insecure about myself until now ,the female smiles "you must be haven i've heard all about you from Dante's complaining on the phone well anyways I'm Danielle "i try replying the best i can but it doesn't work so well"h..hi" the twins grin "well well Dante i don't see what your complaining about" the first guy I'm guessing goes by the name Damin say. the other twin finishes what Damin was saying"shes not to bad looking my we ask why your on the floor" they both smirk chuckling"by the way I'm Damian and that is my younger twin Damin and yes our names are almost the same"."uhhh hi"i blink a couple time trying to find the words to explain why I'm on the floor but to tell you the truth i really don't know y i am so i make up an excuse" its Dantes fault he dropped me when he pissed of my friend Abbel" Dante hisses "what no its not you lying bitch i was attacked" i glare "it is to your fault asshole" we start to go to auguring when....

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