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For the first time in a very long time ... actually, for the first time in your life you've been late for any meeting. In addition to their parents - they didn't tolerate latecomers. In your case, however, when they saw you, they were worried. Mom immediately puts your face in your hands.

-Everything all right, honey? You're all red ... Do you have fever, darling? ", Feeling her hand on her forehead, you moved away immediately. It really was that bad? You took a deep breath and smiled.

-Yes ... I just had a patient at the end of work and that's why I was late. I'm sorry. - you made both parents welcome and you went to church.

You tried to focus, but in your head you were recreating the scene you were in the locker room. You couldn't get the image of half-naked Changkyun out of your head. Not only that ... you could not get rid of his smile. You woke up only when dad nudged you when everyone got up and you were still sitting. He looked at you suspiciously but you only smiled gently. You had to focus and you did it. That was the goal for now.

After the mass you went with your parents to the community. Today was the day when younger children came and you were to help them with their homework. You liked it even more than working with teenagers. The kids were always sincere but at the same time innocent and joyous. That's why you chose pediatrics as your specialty in medical studies. You wanted to always work with children and have contact with them.

Most of all children in the community you liked the little Hanbin. The boy was 8 years old and lived in an orphanage. His parents left him when he was a newborn and they never spoke to him again. He was a very resolute and nice boy.

-Noona, do you have a boyfriend?" You smiled under your breath at the question he'd asked between adding and multiplying in his homework.

-I can say that I have ... why do you ask Hanbin-ah?

-Shame ... Noona is so pretty ... I would like to be her boyfriend. He was saddened and he returned to doing his homework diligently.

Children also liked you so all came just to talk to you or hug you. When the evening came, you returned home, took a shower and performed your evening routine. You went to bed and before you fell asleep in your head, an image of a half-naked work colleague appeared. You got red again and covered your face with the pillow just so that your parents would not hear you screaming with powerlessness. Once again, on that day you raised your eyes to the sky and immediately fell asleep with hope that you would not dream of Changkyun.

In the morning you woke up feeling rested . The sun was shining outside and you stretched and prayed for auspicious day as always. In the bathroom, after the morning shower, you said that today you will not tie your hair and let your naturally straight, dark hair fall on your shoulders. You looked in the mirror several times, but you quickly changed your mind. You felt more like a long-haired greyhound than a human. You put your hair back in your pony and went to your room. You were not from those girls who didn't know what to wear despite the full wardrobe. Yes, it was filled to a larger extent with navy blue and black dresses behind the knee. You have kept a few pearls for special occasions that never happened. Today, however, you chose one of them. Delicate, green and airy dress perfectly matched the day like today. The first days of summer always gave you a lot of joy - everything came to life and you and nature together. When you were ready, you went downstairs. Your parents have already gone to work, so you grabbed only one toast and left closing the door behind you.

Today, Ellie was just on duty, hence the day was calmer, without unnecessary bashful remarks and continuous chuckle JooHoon.

- (...) What are your plans for the weekend? - she asked between successive bites of dinner while you were sitting over the documentation.

OUR BODIES OUR SOULS | eng | [Changkyun x Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant