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The waitress came back and enquired about dessert, she said, "No, I'm very full." Darr shook his head and she left. He asked, "What do you do for a living? Underwear model, hit lady, brain surgeon, test pilot, or all of the above?" Eliza looked at him and smiled, "I have had an interesting life so far. I went to college as a Journalism Major. Went to work for a small town newspaper, got my pilots license, then got bored and became an actuary for an insurance company. I got bored there, became a nurse for awhile, then studied photography, which was also my minor in college, and liked that. Unfortunately, I didn't have that much talent so I gravitated to Aerial photography and I make a decent living writing and shooting stories from the air. I do some agricultural informational work and some industrial aerial videos and photo shoots. I am currently learning to use a drone and it is a promising new area in which there is a lot of money to be made." He said, "Wow, I thought I had knocked around a lot."

She smiled, "Come on, spill it, tell me about knocking around a lot." He smiled, "I got a bachelors degree in Forestry and worked for the Forest Service. I got bored with bureaucracy and got my pilots license at about the same time. I wanted to be a fire-attack bomber pilot, like on the movie 'Always', but I saw a nasty wreck up in Montana that stopped all that. I worked up in Alaska putting in huge Modular units up on the pipeline. It was not fun work but the pay was incredible, enough for me to buy my place outright and put a little strip on it. I did a stint as an EMT for two years, just to see what it was like; too much drama. I am now a gentleman rancher, who sells enough writing to keep from getting bored or broke. I was contacted by an old College buddy who wrote comedy for a TV SitCom, he remembered my 'Class Clown' days back in Montana. I help him write occasionally. You wouldn't believe how good the money is. I also own a Cessna Skylane that allows me to live an interesting life, and make a little money with aerial photography myself. I'm sure you are much better at it than I am."

She said, "I know I am a snoop, but how about your love life, I will show you mine if you show me yours." He said, "Not bad, want to help me write some jokes? OK, I am not a ladies man. I am too direct. I dated around in college and got bored with that. It wasn't that my hormones weren't raging, it's just that the girls up in Montana knew how to say no. Plus I was raised in a Christian family, and I have to be married to have sex. It's a big personality flaw. I also need to have a vigorous stimulus to my intellect, and I just don't get that from most women. I did get serious with one woman, April, and she and I were going to get married, till I caught her cheating on me. It still hurts to talk about it a little. I have went on a lot of first dates since then, but I'm still a lone wolf. OK, Now you spill."

Eliza asked, "Why are we doing this, and why do I feel so comfortable doing it? Ordinarily, I am all business and can do the broken field running around lingerie collectors easily. In college, I was like you, dating around and not finding anyone I wanted more than one date with. I come from a Christian family also, and have some archaic beliefs about not being a loose woman. In my late twenties, I got engaged, but that fell apart. I found out he was engaged to several women at the same time. I didn't let him conquer me, but I'm sure in retrospect, that was the plan. That made me feel pretty stupid. I've met several men since then, who were nice, but not interesting. I am a picky broad, I've got to be captivated and totally in love with a man before I will let him into my life, let alone marry him. I guess I'm doomed to be a spinster with a herd of cats, a Gentlewoman cat rancher." He snickered at her turn of phrase, "I guess we're a couple of losers with airplanes."

"I know this sounds presumptuous, or the Bum's rush, but you are welcome to sleep in my extra room tonight, or I can drive you to a motel. Your choice, but us Gentleman Ranchers go to bed early." She smiled, "Your place sounds nice, are you harmless?" He said, "No, but I am safe." She smiled, "Ask a comedian and get a joke." He said, "If I ever gain the right to sleep with you, I will earn it fair and square. It's the Cowboy code. However, I have no control over what the gossip will be. Considering your good looks, my stock can only go up, but your reputation might suffer." She smiled, "I'll risk it." She grabbed her crutches and they went to the truck, she felt like there were a lot of eyes on them. After a fast ride home, Darr helped her out of the truck and opened the front door, she hobbled in. He said, "You want some Acetominophen for the pain?" She nodded, "My ankle really feels swollen now." He helped her sit down on a kitchen chair and said, "You want to soak your foot and ankle in warm epsom salts? Actually, you should use ice to make the swelling go down, but warmth feels better." She nodded and he got a plastic dishpan half full of warm water and sprinkled the salts in it and stirred them around. She put her foot in it and said, "Ahh, That feels better." He gave her the two anti inflammatory tablets and a glass of water.

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